Kennels and crates for dogs are superb and multipurpose. When properly secured, it establishes a safe space for your pets and facilitates any car journeys with your furry friend, as well as toilet training.
But with a dog traumatized by crate, what should you do to help him?
Though most dogs adapt quickly to their new living quarters, others must struggle to stay calm and feel low.
The dog training suggestions below can help you educate your dog to be relaxed when he is in his crate, which is especially useful if your dog exhibits any signs of anxiety or agitation while in his box.
Dog Traumatized By Crate: Why?

Why does my puppy hate his crate? Here are some reasons for a dog or puppy terrified of crate: the change of guardian or family, in household membership, residence, and schedule.
He might struggle to adapt to this new territory.
Change Of Guardian Or Family
The onset of separation anxiety can be triggered by being abandoned, turned over to housing, or handed to a new caregiver or family.
Change In Residence
Transitioning to a new home might bring fear and isolation, ending up with the dog’s trauma.
Change In Household Membership
Crate anxiety might manifest when a family member suddenly leaves, either as they have passed away or have moved out.
Change In Schedule
A sudden shift in the number of periods of time or frequency a dog spends alone may result in attachment issues.
The dog could undergo separation anxiety due to a change in conditions, such as when his guardian changes occupations and must leave him alone for hours instead of playing with him all day long.
What Are Common Symptoms Of Separation Anxiety?

Barking And Howling
If your pets suffer from separation anxiety, they become restless and vocal when you are absent or leave them on walks apart from you.
This continual howling, barking, and wagging tail doesn’t appear to be prompted by anything other than being left alone. Once you’re present near them, these symptoms often vanish.
Chewing, Destruction, And Digging
When left alone, multiple dogs with anxiety can harm furniture, gnaw on door frames and window sills, and dig at doorways and gateways.
Self-inflicted injuries, including nicked paws, chipped teeth, and fractured nails, are feasible outcomes of such actions.
Destructive behaviors like destroying, chewing, and digging seldom happen while their owner is around.
Defecating And Urinating
When separated from their owners, some dogs may urinate or defecate messily.
Meanwhile, dogs that dirty the home even when their owners are there likely have more issues than separation anxiety.
When a dog hates the crate, he may try to break free of his confinement if he endures separation anxiety when left alone or staying away from the owner.
To escape from his crate, he may try to break down doors and windows, causing him to hurt himself by breaking teeth, cutting and scraping his front paws, and damaging his nails.
The symptom of the dog running away, which results from separation anxiety, may go away once his owner is nearby.
Some dogs, when left alone, have a habit of walking or trotting in a predetermined route. Certain dogs make circular movements in their pacing, while others go in straight back-and-forth patterns.
Once its owner is around, this pacing behavior associated with separation anxiety typically disappears.
Some animals eat their own feces when being isolated or staying away from their owners.
They just do it due to anxiety. In other words, these dogs would stop this manner when their owner is nearby.
How To Crate Train A Dog Who Hates The Crate?

How to crate train a dog that hates the crate? Here are 5 quick steps to rescue dog hates crate:
Handle Separation Anxiety
The first step of crate training is to visit the vet to discuss the likelihood of the dog’s separation anxiety.
Take a video of your pet while you are at work or away, and present it to the vet. Canines with intense fear often perform better when out of the kennel.
After learning how to treat separation anxiety effectively, move on with kennel training.
In reality, some dogs developed a severe phobia of being crated. Once inside, they would whine and paw wildly. Still, they became exceedingly destructive if freed from the container.
But things change after they get the right therapy with constant training and medication.
Prepare The Proper Crate
How do you fix confinement anxiety in dogs? Get to the next stage.
It’s best to utilize a crate that is different from the ones your pet has previously had bad experiences with.
For instance, you can let the animal, who was once kept in a hard-sided kennel, in a wire cage and start the procedure by leaving the door open.
Pick a wire cage with thin gaps to halt a dog’s leg from getting caught and creating injuries.
Gradually increase the cages’ size, making them suitable for dogs with a dread of confinement. This way helps them to get accustomed to the kennel’s conditions better.
Coax With Food & Deliver Offer Favorite Treats
Your dog may be trained to use the crate by being rewarded with food bowls and water outside the container. Each feeding should gradually move the dish back into the kennel.
If your pet is calm in the crate, you may practice closing the door by offering food through the bars and then quickly opening it again.
You can shut the door more quickly while providing her with a plush Kong or another long-lasting chew toy.
Opt For Heavy Traffic Areas
The crate shouldn’t be in an entirely secluded room but next to you while watching TV or in another shared space.
The cage door may be left open, and your pet can decide if she wants to enter. Reward her with praise and treat her to food when she enters the box.
Of note, try to deliver her the far-out and favorite food to optimize the training outcomes. For example, some canines love bacon and eggs, while others detest.
Also, introduce treats inside the kennel periodically throughout the day to incentivize the dog to go inside and sniff around in search of food.
Applying a pheromone spray to the kennel can help. It will remind the puppy of the comfort he feels while nursing.
Keep Confinement Conditions In Check
Only crate your dog overnight. Avoid crating a dog for more than 4 hours.
Doggy daycare facilities and dog walkers may provide much-needed socialization and exercise for your pet while you’re away.
In particular, if you’ve got a dog-loving friend or family member, they could be willing to take care of your pet while you’re gone.
On the other hand, a doggy daycare center can do the trick, as he may socialize with other dogs and have a blast. Such a center has ways to help the dogs be familiar with the crate better.
Over time, the kennel no longer inspires panic. Though not every dog can undergo such a radical change, many may become well-behaved with the proper training.
What Do I Do If My Dog Is Stressed In His Crate?
Think Of The Dog’s Feelings
Regardless of their level of self-assurance or anxiety, any dog could get distressed by being taken to an unfamiliar place and then confined to a narrow, enclosed space, such as a crate or an empty room.
Leave The Cannie Loose At Home
The craziness is: a dog that dislikes the confined space of the crate often comes with barking, whining, and damage.
Some canines thrive when given the freedom to roam around the house without being crated.
- You’d better start quickly and observe how your dog reacts to being alone.
- Be mindful that this method isn’t fit for puppies and should only be used with fully-grown canines.
- If you must leave your dog alone, give them something to occupy their time, such as an interactive toy or a toy loaded with peanut butter.
- While she has a history of destruction, investigate the root of the problem and train her to overcome her destructive urges before letting her roam free in the house.
Dogs whose specific needs are satisfied daily are less likely to be violent than dogs that experience anxiety, lack of stimulation, or boredom.
Set Up A Positive Association With The Room Or Kennel
You may progressively teach your dog to appreciate being in a crate, puppy pen, or room if you have a young dog who is still learning not to chew or potty on the furniture.
When you’ve rushed your dog in the past, he may need more time to form his own favorable association.
Determine If You’re Tackling Boredom Or Separation Anxiety
It’s not always an indication of separation anxiety when the dog destroys furniture or barks incessantly when left alone.
When a dog’s emotional and physical needs aren’t met, undesirable behaviors may emerge. Give your dog more exercise, and provide them with a toy filled with tasty goodies to keep them occupied.
If you’re not sure your canines are experiencing boredom or anxiety, consider contacting a seasoned trainer.
Crate’s Alternatives
Repeatedly negative kennel or box experiences will aggravate your pet’s stress and anxiety further. The difficulty of overcoming your dog’s crate aversion will increase dramatically.
Then, except the crate, what can we opt for?
- Chain-link kennel
- Exercise pen
- Your pup’s own room at home
When your yard is big enough, you may build your dog a lean-to shelter to cushion him from the elements.
Contact An Experienced Trainer
A professional trainer can assist you if your pet shows excessive stress or is causing extensive damage to your property.
How Long Should You Let A Dog Cry In Its Crate?
If your dog is sobbing in the crate, don’t keep him there for more than 10 to 15 minutes.
While they continue to howl and often cry after this time, they may be required to revert back to crate desensitization activities to create a positive connection with the containment.
You’ve had your new puppy for five hours, and he’s still crying in the kennel, despite your best efforts to comfort him.
You were up all night and were utterly frazzled. You may not know whether you can handle dog ownership if this is how it is.
Unfortunately, this is a common issue for those who have just gotten a puppy. It’s stressful to cope with a dog who cries in the crate all night, and many available alternatives are not working.
Worry not; we’ve gone over some tactics for calming a dog traumatized by crate so you can have peace.
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