How To Clean Dog Nose Boogers? – Simple Home Remedy To Follow

Your pets sometimes get rhinitis, or their nose will secrete dirty fluids and mucous membranes.

The cause of dirty secretions from the dog’s nose mentioned above can come from respiratory diseases such as Inflammation, Pneumonia, etc.

So “How to clean dog nose boogers?” and “How to prevent respiratory illness for dogs?’ – Let’s immediately refer to helpful information from veterinary experts as follows.

Causes of A Runny Nose And Mucus Secretion in The Nose

how to clean dog nose boogers

There are many reasons why dogs can have a runny nose that cannot be controlled, which harms your pet’s health.

The dog’s respiratory system must have caused it, from the simplest illnesses like a nose infection to life-threatening problems like nose cancer…

The following are some of the most common causes of dog nose boogers:

Dogs Have Boogers Due to Inflammation

Nose boogers could be caused by inflammation or pneumonia. The external environment influences some pets.

It may be due to an allergy to toxic gasses or a foreign object accidentally entering the nose, making them uncomfortable and causing clear or yellow-green nasal passages.

Dogs with rhinitis are also a significant cause of this condition.

This disease is usually infected in late autumn and early spring due to cold weather or dogs bathing while you are not drying their fur.

A cold can cause dogs with a runny nose. For some uncooked foods, frozen foods can also cause this condition.

When dogs suffer from inflammation, they often show symptoms such as a runny nose, a wet nose, filmy and watery nose sticking to both nostrils.

Dogs may itch their nose, rub them against objects, wheeze, and spray their noses.

Puppies Have Boogers Due to Pneumonia

Pneumonia in dogs is often damaging and has serious health effects. Part of it is also due to the weather plus your carelessness.

Or from a sudden cold shower. Sudden changes in body temperature also cause dogs to develop pneumonia.

Another cause is that microorganisms located in the respiratory tract enter the lungs along with inhaled air when the body’s resistance decreases.

At the beginning of the illness, dogs become very uncomfortable. The dogs had a runny nose, a lack of appetite, and a short, dry, and sick cough.

Body temperature rises. The cough then becomes moist, prolonged, and sputum.

When breathing, the cheeks swell up, and excess mucus and pus from the nose come out. The disease cycle will start when the dog has a cold, leading to bronchitis and pneumonia.

Causes That Are Difficult to Treat at Home For Dogs With Mucus Discharge

  • Dog seasonal allergies will depend on many causes that need to be diagnosed by a veterinarian.
  • Dogs inhaling foreign bodies need a veterinarian to remove the foreign body, get advice on the dog’s recovery or anti-inflammatory medication, and clear the dog’s nose.
  • Dogs have fungal and bacterial infections. It would be best to take them to the vet for examination and treatment. Your veterinarian may be able to let the fungal infection go away on its own or prescribe an antifungal medication, depending on the severity.
  • Dental problems in dogs require direct treatment with a veterinarian by cleaning teeth, tartar, seasonal allergies, and possibly extracting broken teeth.
  • Nasal cancer in dogs is the most severe cause of a runny nose. It would be best to immediately send the dog to the veterinary hospital for timely treatment. Treatment options include removal of the cancerous tumor or radiation therapy.

Note: If your dog has the above dangerous medical symptoms, we advise you not to leave your dog at home and self-treat.

Take your dog to a trusted veterinarian, who will have the most suitable treatment regimen to improve your pet’s health condition.

How To Clean Dog Nose Boogers? – 3 Most Popular Methods of Cleaning a Dog’s Nose at Home.

dog nose boogers

“How to clear a dogs nose?” or “How to clear dog sinuses?” It’s easier to deal with than you might think.

If your dog has a mild case of dog nose boogers, cleaning dogs nose by using a straightforward clean cloth, Nasal Aspirator, or sodium carbonate solution at home.

Clean With a Clean Cloth

Using a clean, moist cloth or store-bought wet wipes, you can quickly eliminate sinus infection and the mucus that accumulates on and around your dog’s nose.

To ensure the water is disinfected, begin by boiling it and allowing it to cool.

Afterward, dampen the cloth with warm water and wring it out before gently wiping the affected area until the mucus is wholly removed.

To clean your dog’s nose effectively, start from the nostrils and work outward.

To prevent transferring mucus back to the dog, you may need to shake the cloth multiple times during the cleaning process or opt for a fresh, clean pad each time for a dry nose.

Clean with Nasal Aspirator

If your dog is experiencing difficulty breathing because of mucus buildup, you can utilize an animal or infant nasal aspirator.

This device will aid in removing the mucus from the nose, preventing it from spreading to other parts of the dog’s body.

Remember that while the nasal discharge relieves and prevents mucus from spreading, it won’t address the underlying issue causing the mucus buildup.

It is particularly appropriate for use with puppies rather than adult dogs.

Clean With Sodium Carbonate Solution

When detecting a dog with a runny nose, it is necessary to wash two clean nostrils. Removes both dry and wet nasal passages around the edges of the nostrils.

Use sodium carbonate solution for nasal drops or use table salt.

You can also use seawater to wash your dog’s nose.

Use 2% Boric Acid solution to drop the dog’s nose according to a small formula for a couple of days, each from 6 to 8 drops. Apply two nostrils for dogs with Vaseline.

Or you can give your dog Penicillin (Pheneximetinpenixiline), Sunfadimezin (Sulfadimezinum – ND).

The temperature must be measured daily. If the dog has a severe illness that may be accompanied by bubonic plague, take the dog to the nearest veterinary hospital.

Note for Caring For Dogs With Nose Boogers to Get Better at Home.

  • You must follow your veterinarian’s advice and instructions, especially about medication and monitoring the dog’s recovery.
  • Suppose a runny nose or sneezing persists. Regularly clean and wash your dog’s nose with the above home treatment.
  • It is necessary to monitor and check the dog’s oral health regularly.
  • A nutritious diet is essential for dogs after a runny nose. It can increase resistance to dogs’ vitamin supplements.
  • Bathing the dog during and after treatment also needs attention. It would be best not to let the water directly contact your dog’s nose. It is necessary to adjust the water temperature to suit the body to prevent the dog from catching a cold.

What Disease Does a Dog With a Runny Nose and Tears Simultaneously Have?

clear dogs nose

There are many cases of dogs with cloudy green, yellow discharge from the nose or the eyes.

After a while, the dog died due to health failure or complications of another form of the disease. So what is the cause of the dog’s eye and nose discharge? Let’s learn below:

The Dog Has a Runny Nose and Eyes Due to A Foreign Body

  • Foreign body in the eye: It only occurs in one eye. A lot of discharge, severe conjunctivitis, and no fever.
  • Dogs with foreign objects in the nose: This makes dogs with a runny nose snorting. The discharge is unchanged, with no fever. Air passages may be blocked.
  • Dogs with eyelid milia: This is an inherited abnormality in the eyelids. Eyelashes cover the eye’s surface, and fluid flows from the look.

Dog With Runny Nose and Eyes Due to Respiratory Disease

  • Dogs with bronchitis: It is common in old, fat dogs and dogs in dusty areas. The disease is often in a chronic state; the dog coughs, numbers, and has difficulty breathing.
  • Dogs with sinusitis: It causes pain in the sinus area, fever, and weakness. It is sometimes associated with the phenomenon of molars with inflammation and decay.
  • Tuberculosis: There appear symptoms, such as cough, nose, and eyes discharging fluid, and vomiting. The liver, peritoneum, lung, pericardium, and heart have pinkish-white fleshy seeds.

Yellow Discharge From the Dog’s Eyes and Nose Due to A Rare Infection

  • Toxoplasma: The disease has many erratic, nonspecific symptoms. There is diarrhea and neurological symptoms. Eye conjunctivitis, purulent discharge from the nose, loss of appetite, cough, pneumonia, and peritonitis are manifestations of this disease.
  • Cryptococcus: Granules appear on the nose lining, lungs, and other places. Fluid drains from the sinuses and nasal cavities. Sometimes nerves are damaged. The dog was reeling, crippled, and blind.
  • Histoplasma: Usually occurs in puppies; they can have diarrhea, allergic reaction, weakness, vomiting, cough, viral infection, and irregular fever.

How To Prevent Dog Nose Boogers When Caring For Dogs

In addition to regularly cleaning your dog’s nose, you should take some of the following measures to help prevent dog nose boogers:

  • Vaccinate your dog to keep your dog healthy.
  • You must ensure the dog’s living environment is clean; there is always clean water.
  • Winter is a time when dogs are prone to colds and runny noses. Therefore, keep the dog’s body warm, warm the room, and always bathe with warm water.
  • If you have multiple pets, one sick dog needs to be isolated to avoid spreading the disease to other dogs.


Dogs with nose boogers or wet noses do not seriously affect their health issues. However, it also causes your dog a lot of annoyance and discomfort.

If left for a long time, it will become another form of respiratory infection that is more dangerous and serious.

Therefore, when your dog has a runny nose, you should make a treatment plan and cure it promptly.

Hope you had a great time enjoying this article and knowing how to clean dog nose boogers.


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Hi I am Mitchell. Dog Growth is a blog about dog caring and training where I share my experiences to my community. Hope you enjoy it!

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