One day you look down and discover your dog has yellowish dog paws. You have no idea whether this is a warning sign of a potentially fatal illness.
Is your dog’s life in any way impacted by this?
Luckily, that’s only an indicator of a breed-specific illness. In this piece, I’ll go into further depth regarding this symptom and this illness.
It will also provide some strategies for coping with the issue.
What Is Hyperkeratosis?

Your dog may suffer from canine hyperkeratosis if his or her body produces an abundance of protein known as keratin on its paw pads.
Keratin is beneficial when present in enough quantities. Skin, scales, hooves, and hair are all examples of animal tissues that contain this protein.
It’s what gives creatures like cows their distinctive horns and what gives you and a dog’s nails. It’s resistant to harm and can heal if it does.
Why is it connected to the issue your dog is experiencing if it does so much good? Simply, there’s an excessive amount of it.
This is where the “hyper” in “hyperkeratosis” comes into play.
A disease in which excessive keratin production occurs is called hyperkeratosis in dogs. It’s a substance that looks like hair and causes yellow dog paws.
What Are the Causes Of Yellowish Dog Paws?
Yellow on dogs paws are a common symptom of hyperkeratosis, a disorder in which the skin generates unusually excessive amounts of keratin protein.
Calluses are another manifestation of dogs with hyperkeratosis, which typically occurs on the fingertips and feet.
The foot pads of your dog’s feet will expand to provide extra protection if they are subjected to rough surfaces, have inadequate bedding, or are forced to tread on an unpleasant or hazardous substance.
Think about what your dog’s feet are coming into touch with and whether or not there’s anything you can do about it if you’ve just relocated or sprinkled your lawn with a new kind of chemical.
Your dog may have inherited a predisposition to develop risk of hyperkeratosis.
The Merck Veterinary Manual states that “familial footpad hyperkeratosis” is more common in Irish Terriers and Dogues de Bordeaux.
This health condition manifests on your dog’s pads around an early age.
The age might also play a role in your dog developing persistent some types of hyperkeratosis.
Older dogs may experience scratching and expansion of the paw pads and nails like their human counterparts.
Your dog’s pad thickness may also increase due to other medical conditions.
Make an appointment with your veterinarian immediately if you notice a change in your dog’s behavior, such as a loss of fur or an increase in the thickness of the paw pads.
The thickness and excessive growth may indicate a more severe problem.
Symptoms of Paw Hyperkeratosis

The overproduction of keratin strands is the defining feature of hyperkeratosis, which may make afflicted regions seem cracked, horned, or hairy.
The nose, paws, or ears are the most common sites of such alterations. Large-breed dogs may also have some type of hyperkeratosis on their shoulders and hips.
Additional signs of hyperkeratosis included:
- The affected area loses its color, which is called depigmentation.
- Fissures or cracks in the afflicted regions.
- Congenital infections.
- The damaged regions get ulcerated.
- Acquired bacterial infections.
- The damaged paws are hobbling.
- If your dog is experiencing discomfort around their paws, they may lick the region and refuse to take a stroll or run.
It’s crucial to take your dog to the doctor if you see any changes, including dog paw hyperkeratosis, to ensure nothing serious.
Types of hyperkeratosis may have various reasons, and although most of them are harmless, it is essential to treat them as soon as possible.
How Are Yellow Dog Paws Treated?
You may try using a moisturizing balm to assist with curing the region when the development of hyperkeratosis is moderate, indicating no breaking of the layer of skin or blisters, and the thickened appearance of the paws is minor.
A calming moisturizer like the one manufactured by Reliever is an effective treatment option for maintaining healthy, supple skin.
It contains various all-natural compounds that help alleviate inflammation and discomfort.
You should take your dog to the doctor whenever the development of hyperkeratosis is severe enough to cause skin splitting, ulcers, or a thickened surface, which may cause discomfort.
The outer layer will be mechanically removed by cutting or abrading it off with a tool such as Dremel.
If done incorrectly, this might cause significant harm to your dog and should be left to the experts.
After the crust has been removed, the veterinarian will most likely recommend medicated dressings or moisturizers that are going to not only hydrate and soothe the region but also assist in breaking down keratin consequently that the thick, unhealthy cells may be substituted with beneficial tissue gradually.
You may also be instructed to wrap your dog’s feet with yellow crusty dog paws, with boots or socks to avoid further damage, slow healing, or infection caused by excessive licking or fretting.
How To Prevent Hyperkeratosis?

As I said before, yellow on dog paws is a popular case indicating paw pad hyperkeratosis.
Therefore, to prevent this phenomenon, you must ensure your dog lives without hyperkeratosis, especially when you live in dry and cold weather.
Discuss proper treatment options with your veterinarian whenever your dog suffers from paw pad hyperkeratosis.
Taking care of your dog’s paws before the development of the hyperkeratosis period is also important.
Get Rid Of the Crust.
Extra keratin may form a crusty shell that may need to be cut once it becomes too large. You should see a specialist if you want the additional crust removed from your foot.
The dog’s pleasure increases, and moving is less taxing on their feet now that the crust has been removed. Occasionally, the crust will require to be cleaned off.
Use Socks Or Boots To Protect Your Dog’s Paws
Your dog may suffer from worsening paw skin conditions due to all those lengthy walks you’ve been taking.
Give them a pair of boots or socks to safeguard their feet from the pavement or other harsh surfaces.
Boots are a must-have for outdoor-loving pooches whenever the weather becomes hot or cold.
Whether you have marble or wood flooring in your home, rubber-soled socks are a wise investment.
Benefit From Steam’s Restorative Qualities.
There’s a good reason why saunas are so popular. Normal skin may benefit from steam because of its hydrating and healing properties.
A typical home bathroom might become a sauna for your dog.
Soak in a bath of steaming warm water for as long as you want.
Do not switch on the fan; leave your dog in the moist air for as long as it can take to be trapped inside the bathroom.
Apply Shea Butter /Natural Oils To Relieve Pain.
Hyperkeratosis of the paw pads may be managed by ensuring the paws are kept wet and pliable at all times.
However, you can’t just use your foot lotion on your dog. Numerous chemicals in standard creams and petroleum jelly are toxic to dogs.
However, shea butter oil benefits both people and their companion animals. It’s entirely healthy for dogs and packed with nutrients and organic fatty acids.
It helps soothe inflamed paws while moisturizing them.
Treat The Disease That’s Causing It
When your dog suffers from paw pad hyperkeratosis of the paw pads often, it is essential to address the root cause of the problem.
If your pet has Pemphigus, your doctor may suggest zinc supplements or immunosuppressant medicines.
Pay A Visit To The Doggie Sauna
You can take your dog to an animal-friendly dog spa.
Yet you may also try a do-it-yourself solution like switching on the water heater to produce steam and letting your dog relax in the bathroom in some Epsom salts, which do not contain fragrance.
The water will soothe the cracks and dry flesh on their paws.
Could Hyperkeratosis, Which Causes Yellow Paws In Dogs, Be Dangerous?
Sadly, they often are! Moderate conditions can’t be life-threatening to hyperkeratosis patients. However, it might be uncomfortable.
Hyperkeratosis may cause thick, yellow excessive growth, which may be prone to cracking and hemorrhaging, which serves as an open invitation to germs and fungus.
Your hairy dog feet require aggressive treatment to return to health.
Does CBD Work For Dogs Which Have Yellow Paws (Hyperkeratosis)?
It can! CBD may reduce inflammation and alleviate itching. Mixing your dog’s pain, irritation, and stinging with a moisturizer such as shea butter or refined oil may lower it.
In addition, the moisturizer will aid in repairing and maintaining your pet’s healthy skin.
We advise against using human skincare items on your dog’s coat or fur without first checking with your doctor or pharmacists.
There are a lot of ingredients in human goods that are OK for us but might cause irritation or hinder recovery in your dog.
How Do I Know If My Dog’s Paws Are OK?
The paw’s health is a valuable predictor of his overall health.
It’s essential to pay attention to your dog’s feet for any noticeable symptoms of illness, such as stinky paws, long nails, or excessive growth in between the paw pads.
If your dog doesn’t seem uncomfortable or lick its paws excessively, there’s no need to worry.
Hyperkeratosis, a disorder resulting from the dog’s skin generating too much keratin, is a usual explanation for yellowing dog paws.
It becomes dry and brittle, making it more likely to fracture and break, increasing the risk of infection.
If the owner notices the symptoms early on or is not life-threatening, you may utilize my methods to perform a miracle and heal your dog.
Remember, always check with your vet to be sure the things you use are appropriate for your pet. Consider your dog to the vet if the symptoms worsen.
Even a mild disease may have serious consequences.