Can Dogs Eat Buffalo Sauce? What To Keep In Mind

Can dogs eat Buffalo sauce? It is vastly common for owners to feed their puppies what they eat.

These little buddies seem to enjoy the spicy foods, and we also have a good time seeing them happy. So, what’s the harm?

In fact, there are many things our dogs would crave to have a taste but are extremely hazardous to them.

To know whether your buffalo sauce is one of those, wait no longer but scroll down and read for more!

Can Dogs Eat Buffalo Sauce?

can dogs eat buffalo sauce

Can dogs have buffalo sauce? 

No. Not just Buffalo sauce but any similar hot sauce would be a detriment to these puppies to a certain extent.

The sauce’s spiciness can potentially upset your dog’s intestines and stomach, irritating the whole gastrointestinal tract.

It is understandable if you like to add flavor to your dish with hot sauce and assume your dog would prefer the same.

The thing is, the basic constructions of this species and humans are nothing like each other.

The capsaicin in the chili peppers of buffalo sauce contributes to the intestinal issues that your dogs are exposed to.

Other ingredients in this flavor are no less hazardous. For example, vinegar can lead to severe irritations, and your pup cannot tolerate lemon, sugar, and garlic in the buffalo sauce.

Why Is Hot Sauce Dangerous For Dogs?

Why is hot sauce dangerous for dogs? This is because several natural ingredients in hot sauce are harmful for dogs to consume.

Chili, onions, and garlic may sound innocuous, but that’s only for humans. Little did you know capsaicin, thiosulfate, and psoralen content in them might eventually be fatal to your beloved pet.

High Capsaicin Content

Can dogs eat hot sauce? No, and this flavor’s high capsaicin content is why.

You must not be any stranger to the burning feeling that appears whenever you finish eating a spicy meal.

This is the sensation evoked by capsaicin – a characteristic component in chili or chili powder, hot sauce’s chief ingredient.

The problem is, to you, it is merely a discomfort burning in the mouth, which probably will fade away in a couple of minutes, but to your pup, it is a whole new severe issue of distress to consider.

At least when I eat something extremely hot like that, I can whine to complain and get a carton of milk to ease the pain.

Yet, things do not go the same way with my dog. They cannot cry out and do something to lessen that uncomfortable spicy sensation. Imagine how tortured they would feel!

Thiosulfate Content

Even though this human food may appear vastly charming to not only us but our pets also seem to enjoy it very much; this flavor comprises almost things that are huge taboos to them.

By that, onion and garlic are what I mean to mention.

Both of them are home to thiosulfate, a poisonous component that should never be fed to your dogs.

Unlike capsaicin content, which can cause these buddies to stress out, but at least they may somehow fight through if you understand the situation and prepare well, this constituent can lead to an actual health problem to deal with.

As such, thiosulfate can not only induce anemia by destroying their red blood cells in dogs, but the treatments for this disease occasionally lead to health concerns.

Psoralen Content

Some manufacturers these days have included a dash of lemon in their hot sauce recipes.

Despite how obnoxious this key ingredient may seem, its consequences on your pup are beyond any shadow of a doubt.

This is because lemon has a high content of psoralen, a harmful component that should stay away from dogs under any scene.

Many of you may not yet prepare to be scared, but here goes the truth: The majority of dogs often respond as allergic to this substance.

Worse yet, in rare instances, some can even pass away due to effects caused by psoralen.

Symptoms Of Your Dog Eating Buffalo Sauce

my dog ate buffalo sauce

It may be easier to handle the situation when you are aware of how much buffalo sauce your dog has digested. But what if they have sneaked around your eyes without you even having any clue about it?

Then watch out for these common symptoms of tremors, digestive issues, gastrointestinal upsets, diarrhea, ulcers, breathing issues, and anemia.

Whenever you catch sight of your dogs having even just one of them, you’ll know it’s time to take the little buddy to the vet and get proper treatment.


A typical allergic response in dogs is trembling.

Your dog will tremble as their immune system starts to respond to the introduction of certain poisons, including compound capsaicin, psoralen, and thiosulfate, which are all contained in buffalo sauce.

Gastrointestinal Upsets

After consuming spicy sauce, your pet may have upset stomach distress, just like when the dog takes in cinnamon bread.

These aches and abdominal pains might either be light or very unpleasant. Your dog would be quite irritated and would even whimper in discomfort.


Is it OK if dogs eat hot sauce? Absolutely no. Here is one of the reasons why this condiment can be a huge toxin to these canine friends.

As your dogs digest this spicy sauce or other improper human food like Outshine popsicles, diarrhea is one typical syndrome that you would perceive.

The clearer indication of this is your dog having the desire to defecate just a few hours after consuming the meal. And because of how watery the poop might be, dehydration may eventually result.


Hot sauce can lead to stomach pain and intestinal ulcers in your dog over time if consumed often. Dogs that have ulcers generally find eating to be a painful experience.

Additionally, this might cause your dog’s friend to lose weight and develop anorexia.

Breathing Issues

Is hot sauce bad for dogs? Now, we all know the answer is yes, but the consequence might be even worse than what you have expected.

After ingesting spicy sauce, your dog can begin to exhibit signs indicative of a respiratory condition.

Most of the time, breathing difficulties are minor, and after a brief episode of frenetic panting, your pet can recover in a matter of time.

Shortness of breath after consuming spicy sauce, however, may, in certain rare circumstances, indicate a more serious problem with your dog’s respiratory system.

The spicy sauce could cause this problem, which might be fatal.


The garlic and onions in spicy sauce could induce anemia in dogs, as I have mentioned.

Hot sauce’s thiosulfate concentration produced by these two common ingredients can make dogs deadly and dangerously anemic.

What To Do If Your Dog Ate Buffalo Sauce Or Any Other Hot Sauce?

dog ate buffalo sauce

What to do if my dog ate buffalo sauce? 

First of all, you should monitor your dog’s behavior carefully if you suspect that they have consumed any spicy sauce.

They’ll probably be alright if they only had a tiny bit of this spicy buffalo sauce. Yet, this will also depend on how much your dog can deal with.

Like people, dogs can tolerate spicy meals to varying degrees.

A tiny dab of condiments may cause a serious bout of diarrhea for certain canines, whereas a large lick may cause no adverse effects in other dogs.

Since no one knows your dog better than you, feel free to make your utmost judgment of the situation! A call to your veterinarian for advice would be the best bet if you’re unsure.

The Bottom Line

Can dogs eat buffalo sauce? Again, the answer is no.

Now that you know how to deal with these sweet creatures ingesting such spicy buffalo sauce, giving befitting tasty treats to your furry friends’ health can somehow be less troublesome.

Bear in mind to be cautious; ensure that your dog cannot access any hot or spicy sauces, and you are good to go!


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Hi I am Mitchell. Dog Growth is a blog about dog caring and training where I share my experiences to my community. Hope you enjoy it!

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