Can You Bathe A 5 Week Old Puppy? How To Bathe It?

Keeping your dog hygienic is very important, which protects it from diseases and other health problems rendered by harmful bacteria. Yet, can you bathe a 5 week old puppy?

Suppose you don’t know the minimum ages of puppy bathing; please check this article for a concise answer to the wonder.

Besides, I provide more helpful insights into this matter, so you can learn more. Keep scrolling down for further information!

Can You Bathe A 5 Week Old Puppy?

can you bathe a 5 week old puppy

Yes, a puppy can be washed when it reaches at least four weeks, but the time of six to eight weeks seems better.

Hence, if you have no specific reasons, you should wait for your canine to grow up to six weeks before giving it a full bath.

The reason is that a too-little puppy still struggles to regulate its body temperature, and washing it under cold water is one of the main factors behind its temperature loss.

Sometimes, this practice is conducive to health issues, such as sickness, diarrhea, and even pneumonia.

Although your puppy reaches the age suitable for cleaning, it would be best to control the ratio and frequency.

Excessive baths can strip the natural oil from its coat, causing the skin to be prone to dryness.

When Can You Bathe A Puppy?

At what age can you give puppies a bath? As mentioned earlier, the minimum age for washing is four weeks old.

From this period onwards to eight weeks, you can wash your canine but at a low frequency due to its limited capacity for regulating body temperature.

Instead of washing, it is highly recommended to use a warm and wet cloth to wipe it down with the purpose of removing dirt and extra fur.

Common Bathing Puppy Checklist

Can you bathe a puppy at 5 weeks old? Yes, just ensure you meet the following requirements before bathing your dog for the first time.

  • Use a puppy treat, such as toys or fake bones, as an award for its courage, so it may enjoy bathing next time.
  • Prepare a soft cloth towel to dry off your pup after a bath. Make sure that it is clean and free of dirt.
  • The brush also comes in handy if your canine is too furry, yet don’t apply much force when using this tool.
  • Shampoo with a low level of artificial chemicals should be used. Choose a natural one that is suited to its fur.
  • A hairdryer is an extra option in case your dog has a lot of fur. However, use it with caution to avoid the overheating problem.
  • Your puppy may like being washed in a large container, including a sink or bathtub. Make sure the surrounding area is suitable for getting wet.

Can You Bathe A Puppy At 1,2,4,8 Weeks Old?

  • For one week, it is absolutely inadvisable to give your dog a bath.
  • For two weeks, bathing is still restricted due to the harm of this practice to its growth.
  • For four weeks, a full-on puppy shower is not recommended. You’d better gradually introduce water at this time. It means you can still clean it with a damped towel or a little water.
  • For eight weeks, your dog could be washed fully but still under your strict supervision.

What Are The Methods To Wash A Puppy?

Below are viable approaches to washing your canine that are worth your consideration.

Hand-Cleaning With A Towel

Before bathing your dog, you should prepare a soft and dry towel. Please don’t use one with rough surfaces because it can cause damage or allergy to your puppy’s skin.

In this method, you only use your hands to take water and wet its fur. Manually scrub the sensitive skin and wrap its body with a soft towel to dry all of the extra water off.

This approach is more suitable for dogs that are under 4 weeks old.

Washing Your Puppy Older Than 4 Weeks

When it grows bigger, you can give it a full bath. Pour water into a container before gradually letting your puppy rinse under the water.

You can rely on its facial expressions to check whether the water temperature is suitable.

If it gets too hot or too cold, it will scratch the bath relentlessly. Yet, the water is warm enough when you see it barking and wagging its tail.

Use a scrub or your hand to wash it carefully before wrapping it with a towel to dry.

Another way is flushing water from a shower head towards its body, which is suited to canines that are mature enough and love bathing.

Leaving It To Its Mom

In case you have difficulty managing your dog or feel clumsy about rubbing its fur, let the mother dog do its maternal duty.

That’s why you might see the mom will lick her pups very often after birth to clean them.

If her pup gets agitated and out of control due to the water fear, she will know how to calm it down and alleviate its confusion.

9 Steps To Bathe Your Puppy

when can u bathe a puppy

You should pay close attention to the all-inclusive guidance, including 9 steps for a successful puppy bath.

Determine Coat Types

Different furs require specific skincare products and treatments. Some have double coats, including an outer coat and an undercoat, while others possess water-resistant furs.

You should use a scrub and wash your puppy forcefully regarding these coats. Yet, if its fur is sensitive and weak, you must only use your hand to clean its body.

Take close notice of the shampoo type and conditioner as well because unsuitable products induce allergies.

It would be best to consult your veterinary dermatologist’s advice beforehand.

Make A Thorough Collection Of All The Supplies

When purchasing a cleansing product for your canines, ensure they are formulated for dogs.

Choose the ones made of herbal and natural materials. Don’t use some that contain chemicals and additives to avert skin irritation.

A puppy bath requires tools such as cotton balls, a dog hairbrush, towels, rubber mats, nozzles, pitchers, and blow dryers.

Prepare Some Positive Reinforcement

Enhancing their positive behaviors via numerous treats, like favorite toys and fake bones, is advisable for dogs scared of water.

You should also give them many assertive praises, such as “good boy.”

Choose A Perfect Bathing Place

A positive bathing spot is important, and you must relate this place to pleasant feelings and happy experiences. You can wash it in the bathroom or a kitchen sink.

Your puppy might prefer being showered outside in the summer, particularly in the garden pool.

Regardless of the place, ascertain that it feels satisfying and enjoyable when bath time comes.

Brush Your Puppy

Many pet owners have skipped this step, but it plays an important role, especially for a furry canine.

Brushing is functional at removing knots, tangles as well as extra fur, so showering helps get rid of its body’s dirt more properly.

Closely Notice The Water Temperature

The right water temperature is a vital factor for your dog’s bathing experience. Avoid showering it with hot water, as your puppy’s skin is burned and damaged.

Cold water is not good, one of the common culprits behind its sickness.

Lukewarm water is perfect for every breed because canine body temperatures are normally higher than humans.

Puppy Bath Time

After completing the six above steps, please follow this bathing instruction.

  • Slowly rinse your puppy in its bathing spot and use a small water stream to wet its body.
  • Take the shampoo (Ajax dish soap can work in a pinch but don’t overuse) and lather this solution circularly before rubbing it attentively. Then, start from your dog’s paw to its underneath body parts, leaving its face for last.
  • Clean some parts, like tails or armpits, more than once because they are dirt-prone.
  • Wash its face carefully because its eyes, nose, and mouth are sensitive to the shampoo’s chemicals. Instead of flushing water onto its face, you ought to clean it with a wet washcloth.
  • Rinse your canine into the water again to remove all the left foam.

Dry Your Canine’s Fur

After taking it out from the bath, wrap your puppy in a soft towel to prevent the flu and rub the towel against its furs in a gentle manner. This practice is quite time-consuming.

So suppose you want to speed up the process; set a hair dryer at a low level, keep a reasonable distance from its fur, and constantly move.

Reward The Experience

After each bath, you should reinforce its positive behaviors by raising or treating it with another toy or food.

What Are Things You Should Do And Avoid Given A Puppy Bathing?

at what age can i bathe my puppy

Below are the things you are advised to do and avoid at all costs when taking a puppy bath.


  • Bath your canine regularly, and it’s okay to give it an extra bath based on its health conditions.
  • Prepare everything you need before getting started, as leaving it unattended in the tub is dangerous.
  • Choose a shampoo and body soap appropriate for your puppy’s fur.
  • Cut its extra fur periodically so the bathing experience seems more at ease.
  • Call a professional vet if you detect any abnormal signs of your dog, such as allergic reactions or skin irritation.


  • Bath your canine every day, inducing flaky and dry skin.
  • Wash it excessively, which wreaks havoc on the skin and harms its overall health.
  • Opt for a puppy shampoo with a pH level and components formulated for human adults.
  • Leave it alone while the water runs, possibly causing it to drown.
  • Let the shampoo or other products be in contact with its eyes, nose, and mouth.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should You Shower A Puppy At 5 Weeks Of Age?

It is the best idea to wash your dog about once a week. Puppies and adult canines have natural oils in their coat that prevent their fur from getting damaged and brittle.

Can I Wash My 5-Week-Old Canine With Baby Shampoo?

A shampoo for human babies is not good for your 5-week-old puppy. Its coat is different from the human skin, so washing it with a human product is quite risky.

Should I Wash My Dog’s Paws Every Day?


You are recommended to clean your dog’s paws every three months. Based on the season and level of exercise, you could change the schedule and frequency of paw cleaning to fit its needs.

What If My Puppy Won’t Sit Still During A Bath?

The reason behind this practice may stem from its fear of water. In this situation, you should bring in its favored toys or take it for a slight walk before a bath.

What If My Canine Is Scared Of Water?

You should give it training by walking with your pet along the shore and making its feet wet. Then, lift your puppy higher and gradually rinse it into the water bodies.

Please don’t leave your hands from its body; repeat this act until it feels familiar and comfortable.

The Bottom Line

This article has provided a satisfying answer to the matter: Can you bathe a 5 week old puppy?

The period of 5 weeks is enough for your puppy bath, yet you should wait for about six to eight weeks before undertaking the washing process.

Thank you for your genuine support, and have a nice day!


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Hi I am Mitchell. Dog Growth is a blog about dog caring and training where I share my experiences to my community. Hope you enjoy it!

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