Dog Won’t Stop Drinking Water: What You Need To Know

Have you ever had a dog that won’t stop drinking water? They compete for “most water consumed in a day” worldwide.

Although it could initially seem amusing, a dog’s excessive thirst could indicate a serious health problem.

Continue reading to discover additional reasons why your dog won’t stop drinking water.

Dog Won’t Stop Drinking Water: The Reasons 

dog won't stop drinking water

Your dog may be drinking water excessively for a variety of reasons.

Digestion issues, kidney illness, Cushing’s syndrome, medication, and anxiety are a few of the most prevalent causes.

Digestive Upset

Why do dogs have a drinking problem? Digestion problems are among dogs’ most frequent causes of plenty of water consumption.

Vomiting or diarrhea can occur when your dog’s digestive system isn’t properly, leading to fluid loss. To rehydrate their body function, this could cause them to become too thirsty.

Watch out for further signs of digestive problems, such as a lack of appetite, drowsiness, or abdominal pain.

If you have any of these common signs besides extreme thirst in dogs, it’s important to seek veterinary care.

Diarrhea Or Vomiting

The two most typical gastrointestinal issues in dogs are diarrhea and vomiting. Both of these may cause excessive thirst.

Your dog may endure severe fluid loss through diarrhea and vomiting. Both can result in dehydration.

Electrolyte imbalances may also occur in dogs that are vomiting or drooling, making them even more thirsty.

When dehydrated, please don’t give your dog unrestricted access to many liquids because drinking too much too quickly could make them throw up.

Kidney Disease

The third most common reason for increased water intake in dogs is kidney disease. Dogs with chronic kidney diseases can have urine output concentration issues.

The kidneys’ capacity to remove waste and extra fluid from the circulation is impacted by this disorder.

They have to drink more fluids to compensate for the increased amount of urine samples they produce. It causes frequent urination and increased thirst.

Other signs of kidney illness in dogs are poor appetite stimulants, vomiting, weight loss, and sedentary behavior.

Kidney failure, which can be fatal, can result from kidney disease in its later stages.

Cushing’s Syndrome

When the adrenal sweat gland excretes excessive cortisol, Cushing’s Syndrome develops.

This hormonal condition results in extended exposure to elevated cortisol levels, which increases thirst. Cortisol overproduction raises thirst, which consequently grows urination.

In addition to weight gain, thinning skin, muscle weakness, and a pot-bellied appearance, adult dogs with Cushing’s Syndrome may also exhibit other signs.

Cushing’s Syndrome might result in major problems if it is not addressed.


Due to the adverse effects of prescription drugs like steroids, your dog may be more thirsty than usual.

Diuretics, anticonvulsants, and steroids are a few drugs that could do this. It’s best to watch your dog if they are taking medication and drinking more amounts of water than usual.

Increased urination and panting are two signs of canine medication-induced excessive thirst. The drug may occasionally need modification or tweak to lessen this side effect.


Why does my dog keep drinking water? Another probable factor in a dog won’t stop drinking water is anxiety.

Some dogs are prone to anxiety and fright, making them reluctant to drink. Even when not dehydrated, extra water intake might be unusual behavior for dogs under stress or anxiety.

Dogs can experience anxiety like humans, which can take many forms, including increased thirst.

Dogs who are frequently anxious pace, pant, tremble, show signs of restlessness, and engage in avoidance tactics.

How To Treat This Issue 

my dog won t stop drinking water

Test Daily Water Drinking

It’s critical to understand the situation you’re in before taking action.

If your dog drinks more clean water than usual, you’d better monitor your pup’s daily water intake and check it.

It can assist you in determining whether binge drinking is a recurring problem.

You can choose the severity of the behavioral issue by measuring how much water your dog consumes each day.

You may count out how many cups of water you feed them daily. To do this, filling a gallon jug with water is the best option.

Fill up your dog’s water bowl with some. Use the same container to replenish their bowl all day long.

Restrict Water Intake

You can also do this if you’ve checked your puppy’s daily water intake and found that it’s higher than advised.

Limiting your dog’s water consumption may be recommended in some instances of excessive drinking.

Let’s do so with a veterinarian’s advice because limiting water intake can be harmful and result in dehydration or other chronic health problems if done improperly.

In some circumstances, limiting water consumption for a short time may be advised to help manage particular medical concerns.

For instance, your veterinarian could recommend limiting water intake if your dog has kidney illness or is taking medicine that makes them thirstier to assist in controlling the condition.

Consider Your Dog’s Diet

The diet of your dog may affect how much they drink. Water content in dry food is typically 10% or less.

Compared to dogs with a diet high in moisture, your dog may experience extreme thirst if they consume dry kibble.

Your dog may be more prone to drink a lot of fresh water to compensate for the absence of moisture in a dry-kibble diet.

Changing to wet food or adding moisture to their kibble may help them feel less thirsty. However, if your dog eats wet food, it might be less inclined to access water.

See A Vet

I recommend you make an appointment with a veterinarian if your dog drinks lots of water. A health condition that is underlying may show symptoms of excessive thirst.

Your veterinarian will physically examine your pet while you are there.

He could suggest additional testing, including a complete blood count, blood sugar, basic blood test, blood flow, blood pressure, blood in urine, or urinalysis, to help identify the underlying health of your dog’s increased thirst.

Depending on the underlying reason, treatment options could include medication, dietary changes, behavioral therapy, or other diagnostic tests.

Early identification and treatment are crucial for controlling underlying conditions and averting consequences.


increase water intake in dogs

Is A Dog Sick If He Drinks A Lot Of Water?

Even though excessive drinking in dogs can be a symptom of a more serious condition, this does not always imply that your dog is ill.

Monitoring your additional water intake is crucial if you have any worries about your dog’s drinking habits.

Is It OK To Limit A Dog’s Water Intake?

It’s generally not a good idea to restrict a dog’s water consumption because it might cause dehydration and other health problems.

A veterinarian could occasionally advise temporarily limiting cold water consumption. However, this should only be done with a professional trainer’s advice.

How Much Water Should A Dog Drink In 24 Hours?

Depending on their size, age, activity level, and other considerations, dogs should drink a certain amount of water every 24 hours.

Dogs should generally consume two ounces of water per day per pound of body weight each day.


It’s crucial to remember that even while “dog won’t stop drinking water” can be worrying, it doesn’t always signify that your dog is ill.

Understanding the probable causes of a dog’s excessive thirst may help you take the necessary precautions to keep your pet hydrated and healthy.

Don’t hesitate to ask your veterinarian for advice and support if you have concerns about your dog’s drinking habits.


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