Give Dog Honey After Seizure – Is It Effective?

Seizures in dogs, also known as epileptic seizures or convulsions, are sudden and uncontrolled bursts of electrical activity in the brain.

It can be a distressing experience for dogs and their owners.

Some caregivers give dog honey after seizure.

But is it really effective? Let’s explore the potential benefits, risks, and proper considerations when considering honey as a post-seizure treatment for your furry companion.

What Causes Seizures In Dogs?

give dog honey after seizure

Seizures in dogs can stem from a variety of underlying causes. Idiopathic epilepsy, a hereditary condition of unknown origin, is the most common reason.

It often manifests as recurrent, unprovoked seizures and is prevalent among certain breeds.

Other factors can provoke seizures in dogs include:

  • Liver disease
  • Kidney failure
  • Brain tumors
  • Head trauma
  • Exposure to toxins or harmful substances

A seizure is an abnormal brain activity frequently occurring when dogs’ brains are altered, like the abnormal excitement or transitions in the sleep-wake cycle.

Notably, affected dogs often appear entirely normal in between seizure episodes, making the diagnosis and management more complicated.

Can I Give Dog Honey After Seizure?

Yes, you can give honey to a dog after a seizure. Honey has been used for centuries for its potential health benefits, including its antiseptic properties and potential to promote brain health.

Therefore, it can be a natural remedy to help soothe and nourish a dog’s system post-seizure.

How Honey Can Help Dogs With Seizures?

Honey can potentially support dogs with seizures due to its natural properties.

Gluconate, a small organic compound found in honey, among other sources like fruit, acts as an anticonvulsant.

It achieves this by targeting the activities of channels that control the flow of chloride ions in and out of neonatal neurons.

This action can help inhibit seizures by regulating the electrical activity in the brain.

Moreover, honey can help restore a dog’s blood sugar levels to normal.

It contains natural sugars, primarily glucose and fructose, which can be rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream.

It can provide a quick energy source and raise blood sugar levels in dogs experiencing hypoglycemic seizures.

Honey’s antioxidant properties are also thought to boost a dog’s immune system, potentially aiding overall recovery.

It’s crucial to recognize that it’s not a standalone solution. Many pet owners opt for natural remedies like honey as complementary to conventional treatments.

How Much Honey Should I Give My Dog After A Seizure?

How do you soothe a dog after a seizure? After a dog experiences a seizure, you can administer approximately 1/2 teaspoon of honey.

Following the seizure, it’s important to provide the honey as soon as possible.

For dogs that experience night seizures, melatonin, a naturally occurring chemical that regulates sleep, can be helpful. It manages their sleep patterns and likely reduces frequent seizures.

If your pooch has diabetes or is prone to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), you should give them a teaspoon of honey once or twice a day, depending on the severity and frequency of seizures. 

Is Honey Totally Safe For Dogs?

Yes, honey can be considered safe for dogs when given in small quantities. It contains natural sugars and trace amounts of vitamins and minerals, making it a source of nutrition for dogs.

But you should ensure that the honey you offer your dog is raw and high-quality.

Supermarket honey that has undergone extensive processing, including heating, and may contain low-quality additives like high-fructose corn syrup should be avoided.

Instead, choose raw honey for dog seizures, as it retains its beneficial enzymes and nutrients in its purest form.

Besides, honey is calorie-dense, and excessive consumption can contribute to weight gain and dental issues like any sweetener.

What Are Other Things You Should Do After A Dog Seizure?

Comfort The Dog

During and after a severe seizure, your dog may be disoriented and frightened. Gently stroke and speak to your dog soothingly to provide comfort.

Avoid sudden movements or loud noises, as these can exacerbate their anxiety. Staying by your pet’s side and offering reassurance can help them feel safer.

Stay Calm

Your emotional state can influence your dog’s response to a seizure activity. Canines can often sense their owner’s anxiety, so staying composed is essential.

Maintain a calm environment by dimming lights and reducing noise levels to minimize stress for your dog.

Provide Your Dog With Water And Some Snacks

After the seizure events, your dog may be thirsty and hungry. Offer a small amount of water to prevent dehydration.

However, be cautious with food, as some dogs may have difficulty swallowing immediately after a seizure.

Feeding it a bland and easily digestible snack is best once your dog is fully alert.

Use First Aid Kit

Having a pet-specific first aid kit on hand is a wise precaution.

Check the kit for necessary supplies like gauze, antiseptic wipes, or hydrogen peroxide to clean any wounds if your dog accidentally injures themselves during the seizure.

Always follow your veterinarian’s guidance on first aid.

Bring Your Dog To The Vet

Seizures can have various underlying causes, including metabolic issues or toxins. It’s best to consult your veterinarian promptly after a seizure episode.

They can thoroughly examine, perform diagnostic tests, and recommend appropriate treatment or medications to manage or prevent future seizures.

Avoid Feeding Your Dog

During the seizure itself, do not attempt to feed your dog. Dogs can inadvertently inhale food or choke, posing a significant risk.

It’s safer to wait until your dog fully recovers and is alert before offering food.

What Are Other Dog Seizure Treatments? 

What Are Other Dog Seizure Treatments 

Include Gelatin In Dog’s Diet

Gelatin is considered a brain-protective and anti-inflammatory food, largely due to its high glycine content.

Glycine is thought to play a role in safeguarding the brain from damage caused by seizures.

To incorporate gelatin into your dog’s diet, one popular method is to prepare a bone broth.

Bone broth is a rich source of gelatin and offers additional nutrients and minerals that can contribute to your dog’s overall well-being.

You can add vegetables and beans to the broth for your dogs. For example, green beans are especially effective with dogs that have kidney disease.

This homemade broth can be a valuable addition to their meals, providing some level of seizure protection.

Add Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids, particularly those containing Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), are recommended to help ease dog seizures.

These fats can modify ionic channels, lowering neuronal excitability and effectively reducing the frequency and severity of seizures.

You can find the omega 3 fatty acids in cold-water fish like salmon and mackerel. Besides, you can be administered in various forms like tablets, sprays, or oils.

Add More Eggs And Herbs To The Dog’s Meal

Eggs and bacon are an excellent addition to increase your dog’s quality diet, delivering essential proteins and minerals.

Additionally, they contain docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and glutamate, which can aid in brain development and memory.

However, it’s best to monitor the amount of glutamate your dog consumes since excessive intake can lead to future health issues.

Some herbs like chamomile, valerian, and milk thistle can also be beneficial in relieving anxiety, protecting the liver, and complementing existing seizure medications.


Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice, which involves inserting needles into specific points in the body.

Acupuncture treats various health conditions, including canine epilepsy in dogs.

It can increase inhibitory neurotransmitters and may minimize dog seizures.

Veterinarians trained in acupuncture use it as a complementary therapy to prevent and manage dog seizures.

However, it’s best to avoid acupuncture during an active epileptic episode.

CBD (Cannabidiol)

CBD (Cannabidiol), a compound found in the cannabis plant, can relieve and manage seizures in dogs.

It can be used with anticonvulsant medications and may help lessen the frequency and severity of seizures.

However, you’d better consult with your veterinarian before using it, and never prescribe anticonvulsant medications without professional guidance.


Below are the nutraceuticals that are believed to help decrease seizures in dogs:

  • DMG (n, n dimethyl-glycine)
  • Taurine
  • Magnesium
  • Melatonin
  • Phosphatidylserine
  • Antioxidants such as vitamins C, A, and B complex 

Ask your veterinarian for advice before incorporating these supplements into your dog’s diet.

Doing so ensures appropriate dosages and suitability for your dog’s specific condition.

Cons Of Using Natural Remedies For Dog Seizures 

While natural remedies like gelatin, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, acupuncture, and CBD can benefit dogs with seizures to some extent, there are some considerations to remember.

Gelatin, when used in excess, may contribute to gastrointestinal issues. Omega 3 fatty acids can have side effects like altered platelet function and gastrointestinal discomfort.

CBD can be accompanied with side effects such as dry mouth, lowered blood pressure, and lethargy.

Additionally, the effectiveness of these remedies can vary from dog to dog, so consulting with a veterinarian for a tailored treatment plan is advisable to yield the best outcomes.

How To Prevent Seizures In Dogs? 

How To Prevent Seizures In Dogs 

Avoid Seizure-Inducing Foods

You should carefully examine your dog’s diet. Some foods can trigger seizures in sensitive dogs, especially foods with high levels of artificial additives, preservatives, and coloring agents.

Moreover, certain canines may have allergies or sensitivities to specific ingredients, such as grains or dairy products, which can pave the way for seizures.

Like home remedies for HGE in dogs, providing a high-quality, balanced diet also works wonders for dogs with seizures.


Some dog seizures treatment at home and supplements can calm the nervous system and minimize the onset of seizures.

For example, herbal supplements like valerian root and passionflower boast a calming effect that can assist dogs struggling with seizures.

Control Temperature

Dogs can be sensitive to temperature extremes, especially heat. Overheating can be a trigger of seizures, so it’s crucial to maintain a comfortable environment for your dog.

During hot weather, ensure your dog can always access shade and fresh water.

Avoid leaving them in enclosed spaces like cars or poorly ventilated areas.

Be mindful of outdoor activities during the hottest parts of the day, and provide cooling options like a wading pool or cooling vests for your dog if necessary.

Follow The Vet’s Advice

If your dog experiences seizures, whether occasionally or regularly, consult with a veterinarian.

They may prescribe anti-seizure medications or guide the management of the condition through dietary changes or other interventions.

Regular check-ups and follow-ups with your veterinarian goel a long way in monitoring your dog’s progress and adjusting their care plan.

How To Diagnose Dogs With Seizures?

How To Diagnose Dogs With Seizures

Medical History Review

When you suspect your dog is experiencing seizures, the first step is to schedule a veterinary appointment promptly.

During this visit, your veterinarian will begin by taking a detailed medical history of your dog. 

Physical Examination

A thorough physical examination of your dog will be conducted.

The veterinarian will check for any signs of injury, abnormalities, or neurological issues that may be linked to the seizures. They will also assess your dog’s overall health and condition.


Blood tests will be ordered to assess various aspects of your pet health.

These tests can identify underlying medical conditions that may be causing or contributing to seizures, such as liver disease, kidney failure, or metabolic disorders.

Advanced Imaging

In some cases, advanced diagnostic imaging may be necessary to evaluate the dog’s brain and identify structural abnormalities or tumors.

An MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) brain scan is a common choice.

Other Diagnostic Tests

Depending on the initial findings and suspected causes, your veterinarian may recommend additional tests, such as a cerebrospinal fluid analysis or specialized neurological evaluations.

These tests can further pinpoint the cause of seizures.

Identifying The Underlying Cause & Treatment Recommendations

Once the underlying cause has been identified, your veterinarian will discuss treatment options with you.

Treatment may include anti-seizure medications, dietary changes, or management of any concurrent medical conditions.


What Diets Can Help Dogs With Seizures?

Ketogenic diet: Designed to induce ketosis in the dog’s body, it primarily utilizes ketones for energy instead of carbohydrates.

This shift in metabolism has been associated with a decrease in both the frequency and intensity of seizures.

The ketogenic diet for dogs primarily consists of animal-derived products like meats, organs, bones, fish, and animal fats.

MCT oil: Supplementing a dog’s diet with MCT oil significantly cut down seizures for many dogs suffering from idiopathic epilepsy.

It suggests that MCT oil can serve as a valuable long-term remedy for managing seizures and improving the quality of life for affected dogs.

Are Seizures Dangerous For Dogs?

No. Seizures in dogs are generally not immediately life-threatening, especially if they are isolated or occasional events.

However, multiple seizures occurring closely together can pose a risk of brain damage and, in extreme cases, coma.

What Is The Cost Of Natural Seizure Remedies In Dogs?

The cost of dog epilepsy natural treatment for dogs can vary widely, ranging from approximately $15 to $200 per bottle or package, depending on the specific remedy and brand.

Some remedies to name are like homeopathic oils, essential fatty acid pills, and natural medicines such as melatonin.

However, it’s crucial to emphasize that before solely relying on natural remedies, veterinarians strongly recommend determining the root cause of the seizures.


Can I give dog honey after seizure? Yes, but it should be approached cautiously.

While honey contains natural sugars and trace nutrients, it should not be seen as a primary solution for managing seizures in dogs.

The safety and effectiveness of honey in this context may vary from one dog to another, and we’d better play it safe by consulting with a veterinarian.

Seizures can have various underlying causes, and addressing these root issues is the first step.


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Hi I am Mitchell. Dog Growth is a blog about dog caring and training where I share my experiences to my community. Hope you enjoy it!

1 thought on “Give Dog Honey After Seizure – Is It Effective?”

  1. I’m hoping to try and minimize my dogs focal seizures by trying honey and / or eggs. His seizures happen at various times during the day. He does tend to ” Fly-Catch” during some of his episodes. I’ve been researching any home remidies I can try. Eggs and honey seem to be mentioned quite a bit. I thought about CBD oil as well. We understand as a pet owner we have a responsibility to maintain the health of our pooch. We’re simply stuck on a limited income being retired and cannot afford major medical expenses. By the way…. we acquired our little buddy by helping as he was going to be relocated to another owner due to rental restrictions for pets. We love our little buddy…… a wonderful addition.


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