If you have ever noticed a lump behind dogs ear, you might have wondered what it is and whether you should be worried.
Lumps behind dogs’ ears can have various causes, ranging from harmless to serious.
In this blog post, I will explain the most common types of lumps behind dogs’ ears, how to identify them, and what to do if you find one.
What Is A Lump Behind Dogs Ear?

Your dog may have a tumor in its ear and not show any signs until it grows too big or you see it.
Most ear tumors are harmless, and some don’t need treatment unless they bother or hurt your dog.
But many vets recommend removing ear tumors, no matter where they are or what they look like, to prevent infection, pain, and more growth.
Ear tumors come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. They can look like small bumps on stalks (polyps), big masses in the ear, or flat patches that stand out from the skin.
You can see that some dogs are more prone to ear tumors than others, especially those with long floppy ears like Beagles, Cocker Spaniels, and Golden Retrievers.
If your dog sometimes has frequent ear infections, the risk of ear tumors, especially cancerous tumors, can be higher.
Which Common Kinds Of Bump Behind Dogs Ear?
It would be best to consider different kinds of bumps on dogs to have the right treatment of choice when your dog is stuck in these health problems.
Two types of lumps can be commonly found on your dogs, including non-cancerous and scariest lumps. In particular:
Benign Lumps (Non-cancerous Lumps)
You love your dog and want to keep it healthy and happy. But what if you notice a small bump on dog ear? Should you panic? Not necessarily.
Many lumps on dogs are benign, meaning they are not cancerous and do not spread to other body parts.
Various factors, such as infections, injuries, cysts, warts, or fatty deposits, may cause them. Some of them may disappear on their own, while others may need complete vet removal.
You must check your dog regularly for any lumps and bumps and consult your vet if you find one.
Remember that early detection and treatment can greatly affect your dog’s well-being.
Malignant Tumors (Scariest Lumps)
Malignant tumors are the worst tumors you can find on your dog. They are cancerous and can spread to other parts of the body, causing serious damage and even death.
Malignant tumors can affect any organ or tissue in your dog, such as the skin, bones, lungs, liver, spleen, or lymph nodes.
They can cause symptoms such as weight loss, loss of appetite, lethargy, difficulty breathing, swelling, pain, or bleeding.
It would be best to notify your vet immediately of the abnormal growth from malignant tumors in your dogs. Your dog’s life may depend on it!
Causes of Ear Tumors in Dogs
Any hard bump on dog’s ear can lead to many serious impacts on your dog’s quality of life, or life spans over a long time.
Catching causes of ear tumors is considered one of the best ways to help you to restrict ear canal ablation completely. Follow us to monitor the five causes of this problem!
Dogs With Large, Floppy Ears (Cocker Spaniels, Golden Retrievers, Beagles,)
Some dog breeds, such as Cocker Spaniels, Beagles, and Golden Retrievers, are known for having large and floppy ears.
However, these ears can cause lumps on dogs for various reasons.
One is that they trap moisture and dirt inside the ear canal, which can lead to ear infections and ear tumors.
Another is that they are easily injured by biting, scratching, or shaking, which can cause ear hematomas and abscesses.
Therefore, you need veterinary attention to take care of them regularly.
History Of Multiple Ear Infections (Otitis Interna, Otitis Externa, Otitis Media)
Multiple ear infections can easily lead to lumps on your dogs’ ears because they can cause damage to the ear tissues or glands.
Infection can also cause your dog to suffer from inflammation, irritation, discharge, odor, or pain.
Don’t let your dog’s ears become a breeding ground for bacteria, yeast, parasites, or foreign objects.
Check your dog’s ears with common tests regularly and take them to the vet if you notice any signs of infection or lumps.
Long-Term Inflammation Of The Ear Canal
Long-term inflammation can also cause further swelling, discharge, and pain in the ear.
If you leave your dogs with these clinical signs for a long time, they can grow into malignant or benign lumps.
It means that you must have a veterinary exam immediately to restrict the impact of inflammation.
Repeated Infestations Of Ear Mites
If your dog is scratching and shaking their ears excessively, it may be due to ear mites. These tiny parasites live on the skin’s surface and feed on ear wax and debris.
However, their presence can damage the ear tissues and glands, potentially resulting in lumps or tumors.
You should take a physical exam to detect how many ear mites are in your ears and whether you should take all of them out of their ears’ dog.
Thickening Of The Ear Wax For Any Reason (Usually Unknown)
Your dog’s ear wax is a natural defense against dirt and infection. But too much of it can be a problem. It can harden and clog the ear canal, trapping moisture and germs.
This can lead to lumps or tumors in the ear that can damage hearing and balance. Don’t let your dog suffer from ear wax overload. Keep its ears clean and healthy.
How To Detect Bump Behind Dog’s Ear

You can detect a bump on dog’s head between ears through many classic appearances or physical examinations given by your vet.
Below are some useful tips to see risk factors relating to tumors in dogs or immovable lumps in their ears.
Observe Your Dog’s Behavior
In Border Collie Hunting or other dogs, you can monitor any signs of ear discomfort or infection, such as ear discharge in one ear, head shaking or scratching, draining abscesses near the ear, etc.
You must take your dogs to your vet or have pet insurance as soon as possible if you see these signs, in the long run, to prevent bad consequences from them.
Examine Your Dog’s Skin
To check your dog’s ear for tumors through the skin, gently lift the ear flap and inspect the ear canal.
You may notice some abnormal pink, white, or purple growths with different shapes and textures.
You should also feel the ear flap and the surrounding area for any bumps or lumps that may be hard or soft, movable or fixed, and vary in size and shape.
Strange Signs On Your Dog’s Ear
If your dog has common lumps or serious tumors in its ear, you may notice some strange signs that indicate something is wrong. Some of these signs include:
- A foul odor coming from the ear
- A bloody or pus-filled discharge from the ear
- A swollen or distorted ear flap
- A head tilt or loss of balance
- A facial droop or paralysis on one side
- A loss of hearing or deafness
You do not ignore these symptoms because they can lead to some dangerous cancers (invasive tumors) in your dogs in the future.
Remember to take a specific action plan to improve your dogs’ health.
Get Yellow Discharge From Your Dog’s Ear
Your dog’s ears are sensitive and prone to various problems that can cause yellow discharge.
This discharge can be a sign of an ear infection, which allergies, mites, polyps, overproduction of earwax, excessive bathing or swimming, or other problems can cause.
If you notice a yellow discharge from your dog’s ears, you should take your dog to the vet for a proper diagnosis and antibiotic treatment.
It’s also a good way to detect malignant skin tumors or abnormal cells in your dogs!
Get Chronic Ear Infections
Your dog’s ears are delicate and prone to various problems that can cause chronic ear infections.
This is one of the most common problems on your dog’s skin surface, which can damage immune cells if you do not have the right treatment option for that.
Many experienced pet owners consider that chronic ear infections to be the origin of all problems.
What Should You Do To Diagnose A Bump On Dogs Head Between Ears?
You should prioritize taking your dog to your pet for pain medications and radiation treatments.
The vet may perform a fine needle aspiration, which involves inserting a thin needle into the bump and drawing out some fluid or cells for analysis.
This can help determine if the bump is filled with blood, pus, or abnormal tissue.
Depending on the results, the vet may recommend further tests, such as a biopsy or a culture, to confirm the diagnosis and rule out any infections or cancers.
You will be recommended to choose the best treatment for lumps in your dog from your vet.
How To Treat Dog Lumps On Their Ears?

You need to identify the cause and address it accordingly.
The first step is to take your dog to the vet for a physical examination and some tests, such as fine needle aspiration, an x-ray, a CT scan, or a biopsy.
All the studies can help detect the right type of cancer or bacterial infection relating to bumps or lumps in your dog’s ear.
If ear mites cause the lump, your dog may need insecticidal ear drops and regular ear cleaning to prevent re-infestation.
Once an ear hematoma causes the lump, your dog may need surgery to drain the blood and avoid scarring.
Generally, any treatment must follow skin or health conditions to adapt flexibly.
How Can Dogs Recover From Ear Lumps?
Dogs can recover from ear lumps by getting a proper diagnosis and treatment from the vet.
They may need medication, surgical treatment, or other therapies to remove the cause of the lump.
They also need regular ear care and check-ups to prevent recurrence and complications.
Are Cancerous Lumps On Dogs Always Hard?
Cancerous lumps on dogs are not always hard. They can be hard or soft, movable or fixed, and vary in size and shape.
However, a hard, immovable lump on your dog’s skin can indicate a malignant tumor, such as a soft tissue sarcoma or osteosarcoma.
How Should You Find Your Dog’s Lump Is Extremely Bad?
To detect if your dog’s lump is extremely bad, you should take your dog to the vet for a physical exam and some tests.
The vet can diagnose the lump and recommend the best treatment.
We have just explained the question for the lump behind dogs ear and suggested some common signs to detect this problem in your dog.
If you want to treat Malignant or benign tumors, you should also consult your vet to have good tips for your dogs.
Remember that your dog’s life expectancy depends on how you care for them.