All owners try to provide enough drink for their pets at certain times of the day to improve their health.
To do that, the temperature of the drink you use has a great influence. But do you know what temperature would be good?
Should dogs drink cold or room temperature water? We will reveal it in the next sections!
Should Dogs Drink Cold Or Room Temperature Water?

Water plays a very important role in maintaining the life of animals. Many pet owners often assume that water at any temperature is fine, but that is not the case.
You should only give your dog room temperature water and limit cold or very hot ones.
Water has the effect of dissolving nutrients in the body, helping to regulate body temperature. Thus, daily and correct water intake is necessary for a healthy body.
The amount and type of drink each species needs to consume is slightly different. Animals such as dogs and cats are often quite sensitive to temperature.
They are susceptible to disease when exposed to too hot or too cold.
That’s why experts advise homeowners to only use water at room temperature.
This is the most suitable for drinking because it is close to the animal’s body temperature.
It doesn’t irritate the gastrointestinal tract after ingestion and does not affect digestive function.
Compared to drinking cold water, drinking room temperature water can consume an additional 80 calories per day, which can benefit dogs on a weight loss regimen.
Can I Give My Dog Cold Water?
As mentioned above, the temperature of pets’ drinking water is very important, so many owners worry about “Is cold water bad for dogs” and should use it.
A cold drink is not recommended for dogs as it can cause diarrhea.
Drinking water more frigid than the exact temperature usually affects digestive function; the intestinal tract cannot function properly and destroys the stomach (gastric dilatation and volvulus).
However, many dogs can use cold foods and even show interest in them, especially on summer days. It’s hard work to keep these friends out of what they love.
In really necessary situations, you can still give them cold water, but there are a few points to keep in mind:
- Just give them a small amount
- The body is healthy, with no sore throat, fever, etc.
- Only drink occasionally; it should not be used continuously
- Watch out for stomach wall aches, toothaches, diarrhea, temporary brain freezes, etc.
- Ensure cold and ice water is clean and safe to limit their disease risk.
- Take your furry friend to the veterinary clinic to be sure because each dog’s health status is different.
What Is Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus In Dogs?

Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) is a horror for many dog owners because your pet can die in a few hours due to difficulty breathing, blood stasis in the heart, spleen, lungs, and circulatory disorders.
Despite timely treatment, mortality is still up to 25-33%.
GDV is characterized by abnormal and rapid dilation of the stomach due to the accumulation of gas.
These spirals close the passages in and out of the stomach, block blood vessels and reduce blood supply to the organs.
This leads to increased stomach pressure and compression of surrounding organs. The final stage of the animal’s blood supply is reduced, and a state of shock occurs.
The real cause of this pathology has not yet been studied and definitively concluded. Scientists have many different opinions.
Most of the opinions are rapid eating, so the stomach is full, active, and playing right after eating.
Highly fermented, high-carbohydrate fares also increased the risk of gastric torsion compared with dogs that would rest after eating.
Another cause is that dogs inhale too much air when drinking water that is too cold and fast.
A dog’s stomach is filled with air, and that gas will rotate anywhere in the abdomen, sealing both ends of the stomach and preventing air from escaping.
Genetics and the environment are also more likely to cause the disease. Dogs whose relatives have GDV have a higher risk of developing the disease.
The risk of the disease also increases with age. In some cases, dogs affected by GDV have a history of gastrointestinal problems.
Gastric dilatation-volvulus is an acute disease, so early identification and treatment are essential for pet survival.
Consult your animal hospital immediately when your canine friend experiences any of the following symptoms:
- Bloat in dogs, whining, anxious, depressed, and sensitive mouths
- Pets can faint, drool excessively
- Fast heart rate, labored breathing
- Abdominal distention suddenly, when we press our hands, we will feel the air stretch like a balloon.
- Severe pain in the abdomen, shortness of breath
- Just lying on one side, trying to get up and walk for a while.
- They want to vomit, but they can’t
- Trembling, swollen eye mucosa, purple mouth
- The lower abdomen is hard due to blood stasis and swelling of the spleen.
The above symptoms can lead to shock, cardiovascular collapse, blood stasis, spleen swelling, liver hematoma, gallbladder swelling, and death within a few hours.
Many people often confuse the end of GDV with gastric torsion or trauma.
Dog Breeds Most Susceptible To GDV
Gastric torsion or dilation can occur in any dog breed and at any stage, but certain species are more likely to suffer from this condition.
Generally, the larger the canine friend, the greater the risk of gastric torsion, and the smaller the dog has a lower incidence.
According to research by The University of Purdue, deep-chested dogs, such as Weimaraner, GSD, and Doberman Pinscher, are more susceptible to disease.
The risk of GDV also increases with age, and males are twice as likely to develop the disease as females.
Pets that have been spayed are less susceptible than others. Dogs that are shy, fearful, or aggressive are also at higher risk than friendly breeds.
Some of the types of dogs that are commonly affected by GDV are Flanders Bouvier, German Shepherd, Great Dane, Doberman Pinscher, Saint Bernard, German Pointer, Bloodhound, Gordon Setter, Irish Setter, Labrador Retriever, Badger Dog, etc.
How To Prevent It?
Prevention of GDV is extremely important because when it occurs, the chance of a cure is very small.
Owners need to be especially wary of this disease. Here are some tips to prevent this dangerous disease:
- Feed 2-3 times/day with a small amount of food instead of feeding too full once.
- Do not let the dog drink water for a while, do not give it too cold water before, during, and after the dog is active and working in the hot weather.
- Feed at least 2 hours before exercising or doing heavy work
- Use belching medicine before heavy exercise
- Anti-twist stomach
- Don’t let two or more dogs eat in the same place or steal each other’s food.
- Avoid sudden dietary changes.
- Avoid giving foods that are easy to ferment and rich in protein, gas, and fat when exercising or working.
- Choose foods that are easy to digest and have the right amount of fiber
- Tell your veterinarian regularly about your pet’s symptoms.
What Temperature Water Should I Give My Dog To Drink?

Depending on the time, we need to add hot, cold, or cool water with different temperatures.
Water at room temperature ranging from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius is the best source for all ages and at all times. You need to feel it’s not too hot or too cold.
Is Bottled Water Good For My Dog?
This type can provide enough water for the body, help quench thirst, cool down quickly, and meet the needs for active activities so you can give your pets a drink.
However, it is also necessary to consider the issue of cost and product origin.
According to animal experts, you can use tap water at home instead of bottled drinkable if it is safe and quality.
Can I Give You Warm Water For My Dogs?
The ideal drink temperature for pets’ health is room temperature because their esophagus is quite sensitive.
High-heat teas or coffees can be harmful, but a slightly warmer temperature isn’t a big deal.
Dogs prefer to drink cooler drinks, but a little lukewarm water will be a better choice when their core body temperature drops. Hot or boiling ones can burn them.
When using a hot drink bottle, it is necessary to have a thick insulation cover to prevent sharp teeth.
How To Make The “Hot Dogs” Feel Cooler?
Pay attention to their reaction when you put some ice cubes in your pets’ drink. Seeing if they drink will tell you if your pet likes ice.
Too cold water is bad for dogs, so don’t encourage it unless they like it.
Pet owners can give pets ice water, but don’t pour ice directly into the water bowl when it’s hot, except for some species that can tolerate low temperatures.
Just like humans, dogs also need adequate supplies on hot days, especially when outdoors on hot summer days.
Another method to help pets cool down is to freeze chew toys or have them lick or chew ice cubes. This makes them feel more comfortable than ice.
Surely after reading this far, readers have found the answer to the question: should dogs drink cold or room temperature water?
Room temperature is always the ideal standard; in some cases, you can still use cold drinkable but be very careful.