If you’re a new puppy parent, you might wonder: Do puppies get runny noses when teething?
Teething can be a trying time for both puppies and their owners, as it brings about a range of signs that can be confusing and unsettling.
Not just helping answer this question, we will also leak the factors contributing to this matter.
Furthermore, it’s core to understand what’s normal and what’s not regarding your puppy’s health and how to cure it properly.
So, let’s dive into this article for more details!
Do Puppies Get Runny Noses When Teething?

No. This is not likely to happen during teething. There is one exception for puppy runny nose teething, though. While teething, nasal discharge is typical in Shih Tzu puppies and other flat-faced breeds.
To explain, a runny nose results from the nostrils swelling and being “pinched.” For other breeds, this issue can stem from other factors.
Common Signs Of Dog Teething
Here are some signs during the teething schedule:
- Drooling
- Biting and chewing
- Bleak eyes
- Little fever
- Minuscule blood clots
- Swollen gums
The sign “runny nose” is not included in this symptom list. Scroll down to see all the factors to blame for the canine’s runny nose again.
What Are The Triggers And Signs Of A Runny Nose in Puppies?
Canine Distemper
Distemper spreads among dogs just like dog flu does. Still, distemper is more dangerous as it’s lethal, especially in puppies. Distemper kills about 50 out of every 100 sick dogs, according to CWHC.
Common symptoms:
- Mucus around the dog’s eyes and thick nasal discharge
- Coughing
- Fever
Dogs can also experience neurological symptoms when the disease progresses:
- Convulsions or seizures
- Paralysis
Kennel Cough
Canines frequently contract kennel cough, particularly young puppies and dogs with impaired immune systems, by sniffing other pets or sharing food.
Puppies can get this sickness from kennels and any well-liked dog-walking regions. If a puppy likes to play with other dogs, he might catch it from one of them.
Typical symptoms include:
- Persistent cough with a “hooking” sound
- Runny nose
- Laziness and sluggishness
- Sneezing
- Fever
Worry not! Healthy dogs are not at risk from kennel cough, which often goes away on it own in 7 – 21 days.
Still, when my puppy has a runny nose and sneezing and it’s just younger than 6 weeks old, it’s likely to suffer pneumonia, a severe condition that could be fatal. Take him to the doctor in such a situation.
Dog Flu/Canine Influenza Virus
Due to the symptoms being similar, people frequently mistake dog flu for kennel cough. The puppy will catch this illness if there is an outbreak in the region as it is infectious.
Yet, dog flu is a serious illness, particularly for puppies, unlike kennel cough.
It frequently results in secondary infections in a pet’s respiratory system, causing significant consequences requiring aggressive treatment, though it is not lethal.
Puppies with infections may have a thick mucus discharge coming from their noses.
Once you suspect an infection, inspect the dog’s nose to pinpoint whether it is stuffy from one side.
It could have an object in its nose or a fungal infection. If not, it can be a viral infection or bacterial illness.
Also, some things can boost an infection’s likelihood. For instance, your canine is prone to a fungal illness when you reside in a tropical climate.
Long-nosed dog breeds like greyhounds and borzois are susceptible to fungi-related illnesses.
Nasal Mites
Dogs’ noses can harbor breathing, alive mites. Lucky you, nose mites do not transfer to people.
The signs include:
- Nasal discharge (runny nose)
- Backward sneezing
- Hyposmia
- Face itch
Environmental Allergies
Like humans, dogs can develop allergies to meals, grasses, and chemicals. During a pleasant park stroll, if the animal suddenly discovers a wet, runny nose, it may be hay fever.
Seasonal allergies are more common in some breeds of dogs, such as Dalmatians, Shih Tzus, and Labrador retrievers.
Additional signs to watch for include:
- Skin itch
- Enlarged ears
- Diarrhea and sniffling
- Post-nasal drip
- Fur loss
- Loss of appetite
What To Do When Your Puppy Has Runny Nose?

The easiest remedy for this health issue—removing or avoiding the allergen—is also the most challenging. You need to understand what exactly caused the reaction. Make the most of your vet’s assistance and an allergy blood test to achieve that.
The use of drugs to halt allergic reactions can also be discussed with the vet. They might advise anti-inflammatory medications, such as corticosteroids.
Antihistamines like Benadryl are an additional choice.
Kennel Cough
As a precaution, talk to your vet about immunizing your dog against kennel cough. Thanks to this, he will be shielded from the most prevalent pathogen, the Bordetella strain.
Yet, it won’t wholly cushion the dog from getting a kennel cough if it’s another strain. Pinpointing the culprits before resolving them is a must.
Canine Influenza Virus (Dog Flu)
Keep an eye on your dog and provide them with restful care if their sickness is modest. But once any of the aforementioned symptoms appear, and an apparent runny nose changes to colored discharge, call your vet.
Antibiotics, oxygen therapy, subcutaneous or intravenous fluids (IV fluids), and fever-reducing nasal anti-inflammatory medications are just a few treatments that work for the case (NSAIDs).
Like the treatment for dogs that get traumatized by the crate, consult your vet to determine the best course of action and dosage for the pet.
Based on the diagnosis, your vet will prescribe treatments. Here are some common methods:
- bacterial infections treated with antibiotics
- fungus-fighting medications for fungal infections
- chronic infections might necessitate surgery
Check your dog’s nose to determine whether anything is lodged there. If you can reach the object making your puppy uncomfortable, simply remove it with your fingers.
Of note, use tweezers carefully and gently.
Find a helper to help you keep your puppy’s head steady, as puppies may be pretty wiggly. Dogs even bark and wag their tail intensively, hindering you from doing your job.
Adopt a clever mirror test in case you are unable to see anything. Place it beneath the pet’s nose. You can be sure what is trapped or which nostril it is in when it fogs up unevenly.
Once you find it difficult, call your vet to get it done.
Fortunately, there is a vaccine available for canine distemper. At six weeks, your pet should receive his initial DHPP vaccine.
There is currently no medication available to treat distemper. Canines can, nevertheless, benefit from fluid therapy and supportive care for their healing.
When Should I Worry About a Puppy’s Runny Nose?

Get the dog examined at a vet hospital as soon as possible if you catch sight of any signs below in him:
- hemorrhagic discharge or pus
- puppy runny nose yellow discharge or greenish mucus
- having trouble breathing
- red, watery eyes
- persistent or chronic nasal discharge
Wrapping Up
Do puppies get runny noses when teething? Back again, teething can be a tricky and uncomfortable process for puppies, and it’s natural to want to know what to expect.
The good news is that while some canines may suffer a runny nose while teething, it’s not always the case.
Hopefully, all our information about the triggers, symptoms, and viable measures available in this good read can help your pet.
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