How To Get A Dog To Come Out Of Hiding? Helpful Tricks

If you have a dog hiding and are reluctant to come out, it can be a distressing experience for you and your furry companion.

Understanding how to approach the situation with patience and care is crucial, whether it’s due to fear, anxiety, or a new environment.

How to get a dog to come out of hiding? By looking at these practical methods and strategies, you can help your canine buddies overcome their fears and build a stronger bond!

Why Is My Dog Hiding?

how to get a dog to come out of hiding

Why does my dog hide? Getting down to these reasons can help pet parents address the underlying trigger and provide the necessary support for their puppy.

Fear Or Anxiety

Dogs can become fearful or anxious in various situations, such as thunder, fireworks displays, loud noises, or encountering unfamiliar people or animals.

They may seek refuge in hiding places to cope with their fear and feel safe.

It’s important to understand that fear and separation anxiety in dogs can significantly impact their overall well-being.

If your canine buddies consistently hide due to fear or anxiety-inducing situations, addressing the root cause and providing appropriate encouragement is essential.

Illness Or Pain

Why is the dog trying to hide? As they are feeling unwell or experiencing pain, your furry friends may instinctively seek a quiet and secluded safe place to rest and recover.

If owners suspect that their furry friends are hiding due to illness or pain, monitor their strange behavior and looking for any additional signs of health issues.

Some common signs of illness or pain in canines include decreased appetite, lethargy, changes in bathroom habits, vomiting, diarrhea, limping, or unusual vocalizations.

In some cases, the dog hides when she is not feeling well emotionally, such as when grieving the loss of a companion or experiencing bad situations.

Past Trauma Or Abuse

Why are dogs hiding? Dogs that have experienced mistreatment, abusive situations, or crate traumatic experiences in their past may associate certain triggers or environments with fear and danger.

As a result, they may retreat and find a hiding spot for their peace.

It’s important to approach a canine with a history of trauma or abuse with patience, understanding, and respect.

Building trust and providing a calm, nurturing environment can help them feel more secure and gradually overcome their fears.

Environmental Changes

Dogs are animals of habit and thrive on routine, so any sudden or significant changes in their environment can make them feel uneasy and seek refuge in a calmer space.

Examples of environmental changes that can impact a puppy include:

  • Moving to a new home.
  • Renovating or construction work.
  • Introducing new pets or family members.
  • Changing the layout or furniture arrangement within the home.

Socialization Issues

Problems with socialization may be a factor in a puppy’s propensity to hide.

Dogs are social creatures and need good socialization during their formative years to feel at ease and self-assured in various social settings.

Your four-legged friend may display fear or out-of-control behavior, like barking and wagging his tail or hiding if he hasn’t had positive contact with other animals or people.

It’s vital to progressively introduce your pet to pleasant social encounters in a controlled and safe manner to resolve socialization difficulties and assist a dog in stepping out of his comfort zone.

Pregnancy Or Nesting Behavior

The instinct of a pregnant dog to provide a secure and cozy place for giving birth and caring for her puppies is known as pregnancy or nesting behavior in dogs.

Hormonal changes during this time set off the dog’s maternal instincts and force her to engage in nesting behaviors.

The nesting tendency usually starts about a week or so before the dog is expected to give birth. She will look for a remote, peaceful location where she feels secure and protected.

To make a comfy nest, she can begin gathering soft objects like blankets, towels, or even her fur.

How To Get A Dog To Come Out Of Hiding

my dog keeps hiding

You should be patient and create a welcome, safe place for your dogs. Be calm and use positive reinforcements and gentle approaches to attract their attention. If in vain, call a vet for help.

Stay Calm And Patient

When trying to get a dog out of hiding, remember to stay calm and patient throughout the process.

Dogs can sense human emotions, and if you become anxious or frustrated, it may further worsen their fear or nervousness.

Take deep breaths, maintain a relaxed posture, and speak soothingly to convey a sense of reassurance.

Additionally, avoid making sudden movements or loud noises that might startle the dog and make them retreat further into her shelter.

By remaining calm and patient, you create a relaxed atmosphere that encourages your pet to feel more at ease and trust you.

Create A Safe And Inviting Space

How do you lure a dog out of hiding? Establishing a secure and welcoming environment is the key when attempting to entice a dog out of hiding.

  • Select a tranquil location that the puppy feels safe, to begin with, such as a room they are comfy with or their crate.
  • Ensure there are no annoying sounds or other abrupt disturbances, and remove any potential hazards or sources of stress from the area.
  • Introduce some comfortable furnishings, like soft bedding, favorite toys, and items that have familiar scents, such as their blanket or a piece of your clothing.
  • Think about dimming the lights or playing soothing music to create a relaxing atmosphere.
  • You can give the dog a retreat where it can gradually feel more at ease and willing to come out of the spot.

Use Positive Reinforcement

How do you get a scared dog to trust you? A good way to get a dog out of hiding is to use positive reinforcement. To reinforce desired behavior, positive reinforcement requires rewarding it.

When the canine exhibits any signs of emerging from hiding or approaching you, reward him with goodies, praise, or his preferred toy.

Also, do not punish or react negatively since these acts could make the dog afraid or reluctant to come out.

Positive reinforcement should be given consistently and patiently, with rewards progressively increasing as the dog ages.

Thanks to this, your pet will gain confidence and learn to link coming out of hiding with pleasant experiences.

Give Them Space

Dogs could need time to settle in and feel comfy before they’re prepared to leave their hiding place.

Don’t attempt to force them out of their hiding location or exert pressure on them. Instead, reduce nearby activity and noise to foster a serene atmosphere.

Give your pet a special place to call home, like a warm box or a peaceful room with their favorite blanket or bed.

You should also prevent crowding or overwhelming them and let them step out on their terms.

Use Familiar Scents

You can use items with your scents, such as a worn piece of clothing or a blanket, and place them near the dog’s hiding spot.

The familiar fragrance may help to alleviate their anxiety and encourage them to venture out.

Additionally, you can also use aromas that are appealing to them, such as their favorite treats or toys, to create a positive association and entice them to get out.

Use A Gentle Approach

Avoid rapid movements or loud noises that can shock the dog or cause further discomfort, and don’t overreact when the pet starts to rear his head out of the hiding spot.

Use a soothing voice and encouraging language to communicate with your dog. Do not yank them out of their hiding place or reach directly into it.

Allow him to approach you at their own pace and instead extend your hand with an open palm.

If he continues to be wary, you could try luring them with goodies or toys, but always respect their boundaries and give them the required room.

The dog will be more willing to emerge from hiding if you are patient and nice to him.

Attract Their Attention

To draw a hiding dog’s attention, you can try various methods to pique their curiosity and encourage them to come out.

One effective approach is using familiar and enticing sounds for the dog.

For example, you can use their favorite squeaky toy, make gentle clicking sounds with your tongue, or even play a recording of their favorite treat bag opening.

These sounds can spark their interest and intrigue them to investigate the source of the sound. Additionally, you can use their favorite treats or food to catch their eyes.

Seek Professional Help If Needed

If your furry friend continues to hide and refuses to come out despite your efforts, it may be necessary to seek professional help.

Expert trainers, behaviorists, or veterinarians specializing in animal behavior can provide valuable consultancy and support.

They can examine your dog’s scenario and provide specialized advice and tactics to make your companion feel more secure and protected.

They can also address any underlying issues causing the hiding behavior and develop a customized plan.

Seeking professional help ensures that you receive expert guidance and increases the likelihood of successfully resolving the issue and helping your dog feel safe and confident again.

How To Stop Dog-Hiding Behavior?

dog trying to hide

How to stop when my dog keeps hiding? There are several strategies you can try:

  • Acustom them with a new space: If there is a sudden change in their loving environment, you should prepare a crate/box with familiar toys, blankets, foods, etc., leave your pet there, and put the box/crate in the new space.

Occasionally take your pet out of that cocoon and increase the frequency and duration when he’s out of his comfort zone.

  • Address Underlying Issues: If your pet’s hiding behavior is triggered by fear, anxiety, or past trauma, it’s important to address these issues.

Speak to a qualified trainer or behaviorist who can assist in determining the underlying issue and create a behavior modification strategy specific to your dog’s needs.

  • Desensitization Training: Gradually expose your puppy to the situations or stimuli that trigger their hiding behavior in a controlled and positive way.

The desensitization process can help them overcome their fear or anxiety. Start with low-intensity exposures and gradually increase the intensity or duration as your dog becomes more comfortable.

  • Socialization: Proper socialization is crucial in helping dogs feel more confident and comfortable in various environments. Introduce them to new people, animals, and backgrounds in a positive and controlled manner.

This exposure can help reduce their fear and encourage them to engage more with their surroundings.


How Long Does It Take For A Dog To Stop Hiding?

The time it takes for a canine to stop hiding can vary depending on the underlying reasons for their behavior and the individual dog’s temperament.

While some dogs may recover in a matter of days or weeks, others can need a few weeks or considerably longer.

Factors that can influence the timeline include:

  • The dog’s past experiences.
  • The severity of their fear or anxiety.
  • The consistency of training and behavior modification techniques.
  • The effectiveness of the chosen strategies.

Note that progress may not always be linear, and there may be setbacks along the way.

Being patient, understanding, and consistent in your approach is what matters. Rushing or forcing the process can worsen the dog’s anxiety and prolong the hiding behavior.

Should I Force My Dog Out Of Hiding?

No, you shouldn’t. A dog’s panic and nervousness can rise if you force it out of its hiding place, potentially worsening the situation.

Respecting your dog’s need for a safe area and giving them the freedom to emerge on their terms is vital.


How to get a dog to come out of hiding? Luring your dog out of hiding requires patience, understanding, and a gentle approach.

By providing a safe and comfortable environment, using positive reinforcement techniques, and gradually exposing your dog to new experiences, you can help them feel more secure and confident.

With time, patience, and consistent efforts, you can help your beloved companion overcome their fears and enjoy a happier, more fulfilling life together.


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Hi I am Mitchell. Dog Growth is a blog about dog caring and training where I share my experiences to my community. Hope you enjoy it!

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