Regarding the dog’s labor-inducing, it’s normal to let nature take its course, but you can do a few things to help speed up the process. Bringing new life into the world is an incredible experience, and when it comes to dogs, helping them go into labor smoothly and safely is crucial. Understanding how to make a dog go into labor faster, the importance of proper timing, and the factors to consider before attempting to induce labor are all key aspects to ensure a successful birthing experience for both the mother and her puppies.
In this article, we’ll explore some tried-and-tested methods for inducing labor in dogs and offer some tips on preparing for the big day. So, read on and get ready to bring lovely puppies into the world.
How To Make A Dog Go Into Labor Faster Naturally?

Proper labor induction is crucial for the well-being of both the mother dog and her puppies. In certain situations, you may find it necessary to assist your dog in initiating labor at home. However, it’s important to approach this process with caution and consult with a veterinarian beforehand.
Understanding the Importance of Proper Labor Induction
Ensuring that your dog goes into labor at the appropriate time is essential for the health of the mother and the successful delivery of the puppies. Timely labor induction can help prevent complications and reduce the risk of stillbirth or other birth-related problems. By understanding the labor process and the signs of readiness, you can make informed decisions about when and how to induce labor.
Factors to Consider Before Attempting Home Labor Induction
Before attempting to induce labor at home, there are several important factors to consider. These include the stage of pregnancy, the health and condition of the mother dog, and any previous medical history. It’s crucial to assess these factors and consult with a veterinarian to ensure that the mother is in a suitable condition for labor induction.
How do you induce dog labor at home?
Here, we will unveil how to help a dog give birth faster at home with 6 simple approaches, including abdomen massage, walking, calcium supplements, nipple massaging, herbal excesses, and feathering.
1. Abdomen Massaging
While massaging your pregnant dog’s abdomen can assist in inducing labor, you must do it cautiously.
How can I help my dog go into labor with this method? Only massage the mom and the puppies lightly and gently since applying too much pressure will harm them. Don’t rub too intensely!
Make your pet stand as you rub her. Put your hands on her stomach’s either side and massage her in little circles. Slowly work your way back toward her tail, starting at the ribs.
The massage may aid in fostering labor in dogs by promoting contractions.
2. Walking
This works wonders for moms whose labor appears to have halted and for labor starting. Beyond that, going for a pleasant walk is simple at large.
How to make your dog go into labor by walking? Tether her and take 10- to 15-minute walks around your home or area. You can also take her for a stroll multiple times and assist her in moving along.
Let her urinate while you are working her out. Inducing labor with this approach can allow her to push when squatting better.
Avoid taking long walks and any activities involving the pregnant bitch running, jumping, or standing up straight.
Benefits of Exercise for Inducing Labor
Exercise in those methods so close to delivery day can cause trouble with the umbilical cord.
Engaging in regular exercise and physical activity can be beneficial in stimulating labor in dogs. Exercise helps to increase blood flow and uterine contractions, which can encourage the onset of labor. It also promotes overall fitness and stamina, preparing the mother for the birthing process.
One last bit of advice: While your female canine has begun the labor process with some signs of labor, you can assist pregnant mothers by carrying a towel and flashlight with you.
It’s normal behavior to see females giving birth to puppies outside and then carrying their pups home.
Recommended Exercises for Pregnant Dogs
When considering exercise for a pregnant dog, it’s important to choose activities that are low-impact and safe for her condition. Gentle walks, moderate play sessions, and controlled movement exercises can help stimulate labor without putting excessive strain on the mother. However, it’s crucial to closely monitor her comfort and energy levels during exercise and adjust accordingly.
3. Calcium Supplements
How to make a dog go into labor more quickly? Calcium supplements can give you a hand this time. Yet, you’d better wait to start taking them until your first puppy is born.
It can lead to problems if you use it too soon.
Giving calcium can create strong contractions while they are weak or appear to be stalling. The amount of calcium often given with Tums varies according to each dog’s condition and physical health.
4. Nipples Massaging
As the pet is giving birth, she may frequently milk the newborn puppies while she awaits the coming of the next. This nursing induces contractions and maintains labor.
As for how to help my dog go into labor at home faster by nipple massaging, to replicate the nursing of the puppies, you might employ a similar stimulation technique to start the canine reproduction process.
Try to express milk while giving her nipples light pressure.
5. Herbal Excesses
The dogs will cease eating as the due date approaches. This can be a sure sign of labor beginning.
If you try to feed the pet when she is in delivery, it goes against her instinct. Most dogs don’t even consume water.
You can give your dog a combination of herbal mixes to help with labor contractions and initiation.
The leaves of blue cohosh, red raspberry, and black cohosh are significant herbs to be included in dog food. It’s also vital to add castor oil to your dog’s food.
Also, adjusting the food for the dog before, during, and after the onset of labor is a must. For example, consider if sun-dried tomatoes are suitable for dogs and puppies.
It’s not a good idea to attempt to remove puppies from the mother’s body by overfeeding them with oils and herbs.
This excessive use has no positive effect on the reproductive system. Your puppies and dogs could get hurt.
Safety Precautions and Consultation
Before using any herbal remedies for labor induction, consult with a veterinarian who has knowledge and experience in holistic approaches. They can guide the appropriate herbs, dosage, and administration methods, as well as monitor the mother dog for any adverse reactions or interactions with other medications.
Potential Benefits and Risks
The potential benefits of using natural remedies for labor induction include their perceived gentleness and minimal invasiveness. However, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential risks and limitations. Natural remedies may not always be effective in inducing labor, and there is a risk of adverse reactions or complications. Consulting with a veterinarian is essential to weigh the potential benefits against the risks and make informed decisions.
6. Feathering
This technique is frequently utilized when a dog’s labor is not going well. It is meant to trigger more powerful contractions to aid in active labor.
Put on clean latex gloves to avoid cross-contamination since you’ll stick your finger into the dog’s vulva.
Put some K-Y jelly or another similar lubricant on the hand. Put your finger into her vulva and gently tickle the vaniga’s top.
Granted, be mindful that feathering is not good and may raise the risk of infection if the dog hasn’t yet begun labor.
It’s advisable to consult the vet for pro tips, veterinarian care, time of whelping, puppy foods, birth canal, nesting behavior, and stages of labor caring.
How To Make A Dog Go Into Labor Faster Using Medicines?

Get inside how to help a dog in labor using medicines with 4 typical methods, including oxytocin, fenprostalene & prifinium bromide, sodium cloprostenol, and aglepristone.
1. Oxytocin
It can be a “safe, successful, and quick” induction of labor method. First, use a xylazine intravenous drip to sedate the bitch.
After that, employ nitroglycerine to verify that the cervix is dilated, followed by an endoscopic examination.
Upon confirmation of this, inject 3 doses of oxytocin, each 10 mins apart. The dog will be restless, stop eating, and start panting nonstop.
But just after 3 hours of receiving the medication, the anxious mother can give birth easily.
Just a week later, you will see a healthy dog and her newborn. It’s time for pet care spending and care practices.
2. Fenprostalene & Prifinium Bromide
Fenprostalene, a long-acting prostaglandin analog, is administered simultaneously with the nerve-blocking medication prifinium bromide. The medication can be given twice to dogs.
Side effects such as diarrhea, vomiting, and salivation may happen after the fenprostalene injection without prifinium bromide addition.
Nothing but signs of colic can emerge when you administer prifinium bromide along with the other medication. Still, puppies can have the highest one-week survival rates this way.
3. Sodium Cloprostenol
Several studies claim that administering sodium cloprostenol to dogs caused them to go into labor faster. “The litter survival rate can reach 6.0 -/+ 0.8 (4 – 9 pups).”
Indeed, sodium cloprostenol administered continuously at a low dose works well to encourage labor during the dog’s late or difficult delivery (difficult labor).
4. Aglepristone

As for how to help a dog give birth faster, aglepristone is a good bet.
Aglepristone, a progesterone receptor blocker, can shorten the gestation period.
Therapy had no appreciable impact on puppy birth weights or survival rates, indicating that it might help induce labor in dogs. Still, this medication does have some hazards and potential risks.
It is created primarily to be an abortifacient for pregnant individuals.
Moreover, it reacts with some additional medicines, such as itraconazole and ketoconazole, and lowers glucocorticoid therapy’s effectiveness.
How long does a dog’s pregnancy last?
On average, a dog’s pregnancy lasts approximately 63 days. However, the duration can vary slightly depending on factors such as the breed and individual dog. It’s essential to monitor your dog’s pregnancy and be prepared for the possibility of labor starting around day 58 to 65.
What are the signs that a dog is going into labor?
Dogs may exhibit various signs as they approach to labor. These can include restlessness, nesting behavior, a decrease in appetite, an increase in body temperature, panting, pacing, and even vomiting. Keep a close eye on your dog and consult your veterinarian if you notice any concerning changes or if labor does not progress as expected.
Is it possible to induce dog labor at home?
While it is possible to attempt to induce labor at home, it is crucial to proceed with caution and under the guidance of a veterinarian. Inducing labor should only be considered if there is a valid medical reason and after consultation with a professional. Attempting to induce labor without proper knowledge and expertise can pose risks to the mother and puppies.
What natural methods can help stimulate dog labor?
Some natural methods that may help stimulate dog labor include moderate exercise, gentle belly massages, and stimulating the nipples. These methods should be used with caution and in consultation with a veterinarian. It’s important to remember that each dog is unique, and what works for one may not work for another.
Are there any medications to induce dog labor?
Yes, there are medications that can be used to induce dog labor, but they should only be administered by a veterinarian. Medications such as oxytocin may be used under specific circumstances, but their usage requires careful monitoring and professional expertise. Self-administering or using medications without proper guidance can be dangerous for the mother and puppies.
What are the potential risks of inducing dog labor?
Inducing dog labor carries certain risks that should be carefully considered. These risks include uterine rupture, fetal distress, difficulty delivering puppies, and the need for emergency interventions such as cesarean sections. It is crucial to consult with a veterinarian to understand the specific risks associated with your dog’s pregnancy and make informed decisions.
When should I seek veterinary assistance during dog labor?
It’s important to monitor your dog’s labor closely and be aware of any signs of distress or complications. If you notice prolonged labor (more than 2 hours without progress), continuous straining without delivering puppies, abnormal discharge, or any signs of pain or distress in the mother, contact your veterinarian immediately. Prompt veterinary assistance can help ensure the well-being of both the mother and the puppies.
Bottom Line
We’ve just rounded up some safe and effective methods on how to make a dog go into labor faster, from natural remedies to medical interventions.
Helping a dog go into labor faster requires careful consideration, preparation, and a combination of natural approaches and, if necessary, medical interventions. Understanding the dog’s labor process, recognizing the signs of labor, and providing appropriate care and support are essential for a successful and safe delivery. Consulting with a veterinarian throughout the process is highly recommended to ensure the well-being of the mother dog and her precious puppies.