Dogs often run around and examine their surroundings, so small injuries like splinters are very common.
Though treatable, they might become dangerous and painful to your dogs if you ignore them for too long or do not handle these issues properly.
Luckily, you can use something as basic as baking soda during the process! My guide will explain how to remove splinter from dog paw with baking soda properly; scroll to learn more.
How to Remove Splinter from Dog Paw with Baking Soda

How do I get a splinter out of my dogs paw? Find the splinter and clean the affected area, then use a sterilized tweezer or baking soda paste to remove it.
Determine whether the dog needs a bandage afterward.
Step 1. Spot The Splinter
Splinters are usually difficult to identify immediately; worse, it does not cause much bleeding, so you can not look for them by spotting the blood.
Instead, you must observe your dog’s body language to determine where it is. For instance:
- He might paw continually in his mouth to remove the splinter.
- He might bite or lick the splintered area.
- He might hold one leg up or does not want to put his entire weight on one certain paw.
Still can’t find splinter in dog’s paw? Do not just use your eyes; touch his paw gently to find the splinter faster.
While doing so, coo and talk softly to your dog to reassure him everything will be fine.
Step 2. Shave and Clean His Wounded Area
Before removing the splinter, you must clean the wounded areas properly to keep your dogs from future infection. I suggest using soapy, warm water with a dry, clean towel.
- The affected area is usually very painful. Be gentle and cautious while cleaning.
- Consider filling a small bucket with warm water or other cleaning products like when you wash your pup and letting it soak his paw in it; that can help soothe his pain. Once done, clean the paw using a towel.
- After cleaning the paw, use another towel to pat it dry.
Step 3. Remove The Splinter
a. With A Sterilized Tweezer and Baking Soda
Sterilizing a tweezer destroys the microorganisms that might cause skin infections and allergic reactions; you do not want to use a dirty tweezer to worsen your dog’s pain, right?
- Simply dip the tweezer in baking soda and/or rubbing alcohol, then lay it on a clean towel to let it dry.
- Next, hold the dog’s paw gently in your hand while using the tweezer to grip the splinter end that sticks out.
- Remove the splinter carefully and gently, just like how you cleaned his paw earlier. Remember to talk to your dog soothingly to calm his nerves.
- Avoid breaking the splinter or pushing it deeper into his skin. If that happens, bring your furry friend to a vet immediately.
Sometimes, the splinter might be too deeply embedded into his skin, so a tweezer will not be enough.
I recommend using a needle (sterilized beforehand, of course) to pry this splinter from underneath his skin. If it doesn’t work, either, visiting a vet will be the smartest move.
b. With Baking Soda Only (No Tweezer)
How does baking soda and vinegar remove a splinter? Before starting, you need to make a thick paste:
- Find a container, small cup, or spray bottle, then add a huge amount of baking soda.
- Pour water gradually while mixing until the paste gets thick. There is no rule regarding the water-to-soda ratio, so just keep adding water until the paste becomes spreadable.
Next, use a clean towel or your fingers to dab the soda paste over the splinter on your dog’s paw:
- Add light layers of paste onto the splintered area and surrounding skins
- Just like with the tweezer method, avoid pushing the splinter deeper when using the paste. If possible, identify the angle where it was driven into the paw, then apply the soda from that angle.
Step 4. Clean The Wounded Area One More Time

Like before, be gentle and careful since the area will still be painful and sensitive for your dog. Avoid cleaning too vigorously.
- Warm, soapy water aside, you may also use mixtures of hydrogen peroxide and water (1:1 ratio).
- Once done, dry the area using a clean, dry towel.
Step 5. See Whether It Needs A Bandage
Not all splinters on pets need bandages after removal, so observe your dog carefully.
- Is the puncture tiny, and he can still happily stand on that paw? Then, do not use bandages. Instead, let him rest for a day or two and use salty water to bathe that paw after his playtime/walking sessions.
If the area is clean and dry after a couple of days with no smelly discharge or pus, let him return to his normal activities.
- Bandaging is a must if the hole is too large/exudes a terrible smell, your dog cannot place his weight on that paw or keeps lying down during walks, or you still feel unsure whether the splinter was completely removed.
Step 6. Apply Some Antibiotic Ointment
Preventing the risk of infection is just as important as removing the splinter itself. You can do it in either way:
- Spread thick coats of antibacterial ointment on a non-stick, absorbent gauze pad, then press that pad on the paw
- Apply the ointment straight onto the paw. Note that with this method, you must still press the gauze pad against his paws to keep the treatment in place.
Step 7. Wrap The Paw with Cotton Gauze
Secure the gauze pads with 3-4 inches of adhesive strips, then wrap non-stick, white cotton gauze around the paw.
- Keep the toes uncovered while wrapping.
- Do not wrap it too tightly to avoid cutting off circulation/ causing his leg to swell. If you realize the gauge has been wrapped too tightly, loosen it and wrap it again.
- If necessary, put a layer of self-adhesive bandage over the gauge.
Step 8. Do Not Let Your Dog Remove The Bandage
Most dogs will try everything they can to shake off the bandage, which might hurt its healing process.
- Other than watching him and intervening whenever he starts to chew the bandage, you can use an E-collar on his neck.
- If he has already chewed the bandage off, inspect the wound closely to see whether the bandage needs to be re-applied. You can let him go if there is no discharge, swelling, redness, or other signs of infection.
- Most bandages contain Neosporin, which might cause appetite loss, drooling, or vomiting. If your dog suffers from these symptoms after removing his bandage, contact a vet immediately.
What Are Some Alternatives for Baking Soda?

What will draw out a deep splinter aside from the baking soda method? You can use some other homemade, natural remedies, such as:
- Epsom salts: Dissolve the salt in warm water, then soak the affected areas for 30 minutes. Next, use a tweezer or needle to remove the splinter in dog paw.
- Hydrogen peroxide: Mix water with hydrogen peroxide in a 1:1 ratio and pour it over the splinter; the splinter will get closer to the skin surface after 4-5 minutes.
- Banana peels and potatoes: Although we still need more scientific proof, most people claim that the enzymes of banana peels and potatoes soften the skin, making it easier for you to get the sharp objects out with a tweezer or duct tape.
When Do You Need to Seek Medical Attention
Will baking soda draw out a splinter? Yes, but it might not work in more serious cases. Take your dog to a vet if the splinter:
- is large and breaks off underneath his skin
- is too deeply lodged and refuses to get out
- causes a lot of pain
- is near the vein or causes serious blood
- is made of sharp foreign objects, like glass
- comes with secondary infection symptoms, such as flushing, redness, fever, and oozing pus
This article has detailed how to remove splinter from dog paw with baking soda.
While the steps are straightforward, remember that your dog might experience lots of pain during the process; be cautious and remember to calm his nerves with gentle pats and soothing words.
And if the splinters are too serious or cannot be removed, seek veterinary attention.