Why Does My Dog Sneeze When I Kiss Him? – A Complete Answer

If you’re a dog owner, you may have experienced the confusion that comes with your dog sneezing when you try to give them a kiss.

While sneezing is a normal bodily function in dogs, it can be unsettling during a moment of affection. So, why does my dog sneeze when I kiss him?

There can be many reasons why this happens, ranging from playful behavior to medical issues.

Keep reading to discover the possible causes of this issue and what to do to prevent or minimize sneezing during moments of affection.

Does A Dog Like Being Kissed?

why does my dog sneeze when i kiss him

What does my dog think when I kiss him? It’s a simple fact that some dogs just don’t enjoy kisses. This is because they might not understand kisses as we do.

That being said, some canines like this when they are taught what it signifies. It can worry or confuse the dog if it doesn’t understand what you’re doing.

You kissing them could give conflicting messages. The dog may not interpret your loving expression as what you intend to show.

Dogs frequently make lateral arcs instead of coming at each other directly. The sudden sight of a person’s face approaching can perplex a dog.

Actually, some canines could see this as a danger and feel the urge to bite or snarl in defense.

Why Does My Dog Sneeze When I Kiss Him?

Why does my dog sneeze when I give him attention

There are several reasons for this reaction, such as to draw your attention, the dog feeling playful, and because of strange smells, allergies, or specific health problems.

It Feels Playful

Do dogs sneeze when they are happy? The short answer is yes. Dogs are playful creatures by nature and often express their desire to play in many different ways.

One of these ways is through sneezing. If your dog does so when you kiss them, they may feel playful and interpret your kissing as an invitation to engage in some fun and games.

Sneezing can be a sign of excitement and a way for your dog to signal that they want to play.

So, when your furry friend sneezes when you kiss them, it’s likely that they’re just having some playful fun and enjoying the attention of their beloved owner.

I also see my dog barking and wagging their happy tail.

It Likes Your Attention

Dogs crave attention and affection from their owners and often seek ways to communicate their desire for it.

If your dog sneezes when you kiss them, they may be doing so to show you that they like the attention.

Dogs may interpret kissing as a sign of love and affection, and sneezing can be their way of expressing their appreciation for it.

Sneezing can also allow your dog to communicate with you and get your attention.

It’s important to understand that every dog has their own unique personality and ways of communicating.

So if your dog sneezes when you kiss them, it could simply be their way of telling you that they want more affection or just seek attention.


Although many novice dog owners are unaware of it, canines and people are very similar in many respects. Your pet is more like you than you believe, from feelings to behaviors.

If your dog has allergies, they might sneeze when you kiss them.

There’s a chance they’re allergic to something in the space or nearby. It could be a coincidence that you kissed your dog just before they had to sneeze.

Multiple things can cause allergies in dogs. Some allergies are more prevalent, such as food-related, which can affect eggs, chicken, dairy products, and even cattle.

Grass, certain cleaning supplies, perfumes, and several medications are other non-food allergens. In this case, you can try to give your pet lamb dog food for allergies.

Strange Smell

Dogs have an acute sense of smell and can be sensitive to certain odors that humans may not even notice.

In case your four-legged friend sneezes when you kiss them, it’s possible that they’re reacting to a strange smell on your face or breath.

Dogs rely heavily on their sense of smell to interpret the world around them. Suppose they detect a scent they’re unfamiliar with; they may sneeze as a reaction.

And your dog might be sensitive to certain scents, such as perfumes or cleaning products, and is reacting to those.

When you notice that your dog sneezes when you kiss them or are close to them, try to identify any unusual smells that may be triggering the reaction.

Other Health Issues

While sneezing is often a harmless and normal behavior for dogs, it can also be a symptom of other health issues.

For example, if your dog is also experiencing coughing, lethargy, or a loss of appetite, it could be a sign of a respiratory infection or other health issue.

In some cases, sneezing can also hint at a more serious condition, such as a tumor or a foreign object lodged in the nasal passage. 

Suppose you’re concerned that your dog’s sneezing may be related to an underlying health issue. Consult your vet to determine the cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your dog’s health and well-being.

How To Determine The Reason For Your Dog’s Sneezing

do dogs sneeze when they are happy

Once you notice the pet is sneezing more than usual, you need to determine the cause to address the problem promptly.

Here are the steps you need to follow: observe, look back at their medical history, and talk to the professionals.

Observe Your Dog’s Body Language

The first step is to observe their body language when determining the reason for your dog’s sneezing. Pay attention to any additional symptoms or compulsive behaviors that may accompany the sneezing.

For example, is your dog rubbing its nose or pawing at its face after they sneeze? Are they experiencing any discharge from their nose or eyes? Do they seem lazy or have a decreased appetite? 

These observations can provide valuable clues as to what may be causing your dog’s sneezing.

Additionally, note when your dog sneezes, such as during specific times of the day or after being in certain environments.

By carefully observing your dog’s body language and behavior, you can gather important information that can help you determine the underlying cause of their sneezing.

Consider Your Dog’s Medical History

The second step is to consider their medical history. This includes any past illnesses, allergies, or surgeries. Certain breeds may also be more prone to certain health conditions that can cause sneezing.

For example, brachycephalic species such as Pugs or Bulldogs may have a predisposition to respiratory issues due to their short snouts.

It’s also important to consider any recent changes in your dog’s diet, environment, or routine contributing to their symptoms.

Reviewing your dog’s medical history will give you a better understanding of any underlying health issues and help your veterinarian make an accurate diagnosis.

Consult With Your Veterinarian

A veterinarian can perform a physical examination, review your dog’s medical history, and perform diagnostic tests to determine the underlying cause of their sneezing.

Diagnostic tests may include blood work, x-rays, or a nasal culture.

Based on the findings, your veterinarian can recommend appropriate treatment options, such as medication for allergies or antibiotics for a bacterial infection.

Notice to follow your veterinarian’s recommendations and monitor your dog’s symptoms closely.

Early intervention and treatment can prevent more serious health issues, ultimately improving your dog’s overall quality of life.

Ways To Prevent Or Minimize Sneezing During Affection

Why does my dog sneeze when I give him attention

Why does my dog sneeze in me? Now you know the reasons.

Suppose you want to minimize this reaction; there are a couple of things you can try, such as training your furry friend or trying other ways to show your love.

Train Your Dog To Tolerate Or Enjoy Kissing

If you want to kiss your dog without triggering a sneeze, it may be helpful to train your dog to tolerate or even enjoy this type of affection.

I start by gradually introducing my dog to the behavior and rewarding it for positive responses.

However, not all dogs enjoy being kissed, and it’s crucial to respect your dog’s boundaries and body language.

Avoid Overwhelming Your Dog’s Senses

Some dogs may sneeze or snort when they are overwhelmed by sensory input. This can include strong smells, loud noises, or sudden movements.

When showing affection, it’s best to create a calm and relaxed environment that doesn’t overstimulate your dog’s senses.

Address Any Underlying Medical Conditions

Let’s say your dog’s sneezing or snorting persists or is accompanied by other symptoms. In this case, you must consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

Allergies, respiratory infections, and dental issues can all cause sneezing and snorting in dogs, and treating these conditions can prevent further discomfort and health problems.

Other Ways To Show Affection For Your Dog

While kissing and hugging our dogs are common ways to express our love, there are many other ways to show appreciation for your furry friend.

I usually gently massage your dog, offer a favorite toy, or simply spend quality time together.

  • Play with your dog: I often take them for walks, play fetch or tug-of-war, or engage in other activities they enjoy. This can help strengthen your bond and provide mental and physical stimulation for your pet.
  • Offer physical touch: Petting, brushing, or cuddling with your dog can be soothing and comforting for them. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety in both you and the dog.
  • Provide treats and toys: Giving them their favorite treats or toys can show them that you care and help strengthen your bond. It provides mental stimulation and prevents destructive behavior.

Pay attention to your dog’s body language and preferences to find the best way to show affection without causing sneezing or discomfort.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Ok To Kiss Your Dog On The Nose?

No. It is not recommended to kiss them on the nose. Dogs can carry bacteria and viruses in their mouths and noses, which can be transferred to humans through kissing.

Additionally, some dogs may not enjoy being kissed and may become uncomfortable or even aggressive.

Is It Ok To Kiss My Dog On The Head?

Yes, it is generally safe and a common way for pet owners to show affection to their dogs by kissing them on the head.

Dogs tend to enjoy gentle touches and petting on the head, and many find it soothing and comforting.

Do Dogs Licks Equal Kisses?

It depends. Not all licking is related to expressing love or affection. For instance, dogs may lick their owners as a way to communicate their needs, such as hunger or thirst.

Meanwhile, some may do so to explore their surroundings or alleviate stress or anxiety.

Dog Sneezes And Snorts When You Pet Him – Why?

There are several possible explanations for this. Some may be behavioral, and others may be related to health-related or medical issues.

What’s most crucial is that you should call the vet immediately for guidance if you observe any alarming signs in your dog other than sneezing.

The Bottom Line

Why does my dog sneeze when I kiss him? Sneezing when you kiss your dog is usually nothing to worry about.

It could be a natural reflex to the sensation of your breath on its nose, a sign of excitement, or even a response to an allergen.

By being mindful of your dog’s reactions and avoiding kissing around their nose, you can help minimize sneezing during affectionate moments.

If you have concerns about your dog’s sneezing or other symptoms, it’s always a good idea to consult a veterinarian to ensure your furry friend is healthy and happy.


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Hi I am Mitchell. Dog Growth is a blog about dog caring and training where I share my experiences to my community. Hope you enjoy it!

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