Why Does My Dogs Belly Turned Black In The Summer- Check!

Any animal lover can’t resist the soft feeling of stroking the belly of a cute pet in the house. But one day, you notice that your hairy friend’s belly area has a distinct tendency to darken.

So, why does my dogs belly turned black in the summer?

Some dogs have a pink or tan belly area covered with sparse fur. Therefore, the discoloration of the skin is very obvious and makes many owners feel insecure.

In some cases, this abnormal change can signal that your dog has a serious health problem. Please do not skip the information below; it will help you know more about your dog’s problem!

What Is The Dog’s Skin Hyperpigmentation?

why does my dogs belly turned black in the summer

The change to dark coloration in animal skin is often described by the term “hyperpigmentation.”

Usually, this phenomenon only appears in dogs with skin problems, metabolic problems (such as allergies), wound infections, and endocrine disorders.

Hyperpigmentation doesn’t happen overnight. It’s the result of a serious problem.

Therefore, it is best to keep a close eye on the dog to learn about its recent activities and take this furry friend to the veterinary facilities for a health check.

After treatment, your dog’s belly skin may forever be unable to return to its former light color. However, all the health problems of your furry friend will be thoroughly solved.

Why Does My Dogs Belly Turned Black In The Summer? 

There are many causes of a dog belly turning black in the summer. However, most of them are related to dogs’ bad habits, hormonal disorders, or some common skin diseases.

You must be aware of 9 common problems that cause hyperpigmentation in your dog’s belly area. Please don’t skip it!


When your furry friend is allergic to something around him (typically pollen, food, ragweed, or a flea bite), their immune system will create many negative reactions by releasing histamine.

As a result, in addition to respiratory symptoms (such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy nose, and eyes), their skin becomes irritated, causing persistent itching, inflammation, and swelling.

When dogs are allergic to food, pollen, ragweed, or flea bites, their skin becomes itchy, irritated, and inflamed as the immune system responds by releasing histamine. to itching and swelling.

Persistent allergies result in the dog frequently licking and scratching the itchy skin.

Gradually, the increased production of melanin accelerates hyperpigmentation, causing your four-legged friend’s skin darker.

Early detection and treatment of dog skin allergies are key to preventing secondary skin infections and hyperpigmentation.

Take your dog to the vet and strictly follow the allergy medication prescribed (e.g., using fish oil with omega fatty acids, allergy medicine Apoquel, and washing the dog with special shampoo).


The possibility of a dog’s abdominal skin hyperpigmentation may be due to the presence of parasites, particularly the “Sarcoptes Scabiei” tick, which is the leading causative agent of Sarcoptic scabies in dogs.

This parasitic insect can quickly spread through contact with an infected host or contaminated objects, such as toys, beds, or carpets.

These ticks can cause skin irritation, itching, inflammation, and sparse areas of dark hyperpigmentation throughout the dog’s body.

Unfortunately, these culprits are extremely difficult to detect, even when the dog is shaved. Therefore, bring the dog to the nearest veterinary facility for a comprehensive mites examination.


Malassezia is a familiar yeast found on dog skin, which exists in balance and “peaceful” with other microorganisms in healthy dogs.

But once Malassezia gets out of control due to a disruption in the pH of the dog’s skin (an underlying hormonal disorder, an immune system disorder, or an abnormal skin condition), the dog’s skin will begin to deteriorate.

Overgrowth of this yeast can cause the release of inflammatory substances (histamine etc.), leading to skin odor, inflammation, irritation, and itching.

In addition, increased melanin also leads to thickening and darkening of the skin.

When your dog is diagnosed with a Malassezia problem, your veterinarian will usually give you a prescription that includes antifungal medications (such as Ketoconazole), medications, and specialized shampoos.

Hormone Problems

dogs belly turns black in summer

Hormonal disorders are most evident through poor skin changes, causing hair loss in older dogs.

In addition, it is also the leading cause of an increase in the number of Malassezia fungi and an overactive adrenal gland.

Besides the dog’s belly becoming darker, you can also notice this problem through some obvious signs in your four-legged friend, including hair loss, decreased cold tolerance, and uncontrolled weight gain.

Usually, your veterinarian will check your dog’s hormonal status through blood tests (typically T4 and TSH). Depending on the test results, your dog will receive extra care.


Ringworm is a dangerous dermatological disease no owner wants their dog to contract.

This fungal infection is evident through hair loss, darkening of the skin, and itching in the hair loss area.

To not completely cure this disease, your dog must take the prescribed medication with topical antifungal drugs.

Development/Sun Exposure

So, why does my dog’s belly turned black in the summer

Some young dogs in their prime of growth tend to “discolor” and become a darker version as they grow older.

Others have a habit of lying on their backs to expose themselves to the spring/summer sun, leading to a change in skin color due to tanning.

In addition, some dog breeds will change the skin color of the abdomen as they grow older, such as the Mexican hairless dog (Xoloitzcuintle) or the Chinese crested dog.

The belly area of these dogs is usually very bald, so their skin tends to darken to protect the belly area from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays.

Dog Licking Of The Belly Area

Some dogs have a habit of grooming the coat all over their body, including the belly area.

Unfortunately, this cleaning routine increases chemical and mechanical irritation, damaging the skin and hair of sensitive regions, especially the abdomen.

Their skin will be red at first, then darken with itching.

Pomeranians’ Black Skin Disease

If you own a Pomeranian, chances are your dog is suffering from a traditional “black skin” disease of this breed. That’s the reason why Pom dogs belly turn black in the summer.

This particular black skin disease (or alopecia X) is quite common in Pomeranians, with consequences that include skin darkening and hair loss.

The cause of this syndrome is diagnosed as hormonal imbalance and overproduction of sex hormones.

A Pomeranian must undergo a series of tests (including skin and blood biopsies) before a veterinarian can decide.

A dog with a black skin disease must rebalance hormones through appropriate dietary supplements, specialized skin creams, and hormone therapies.

After the treatment, some Poms may grow back their normal hair. But some unfortunate cases reflect that they cannot restore the fur forever.

Dachshunds’ Acanthosis Nigricans

The Dachshund breed often suffers from a particular disease of hyperpigmentation, also known as “Acanthosis Nigricans.” 

Although the cause of the disease is still a mystery, many pet experts believe that chronic inflammation is the culprit behind the dark belly skin of this breed.

When a Dachshund has this disease, topical corticosteroids are always the most effective solution.

Bleeding Under the Skin

You may not expect it, but bleeding under the skin can cause purple spots. These bruises are a clear sign of a blood clotting disorder classified as a medical emergency.

An accidental impact can cause coagulation, a clotting disorder (such as thrombocytopenia), or ingestion of rat poison.

This problem is often accompanied by abdominal bleeding, pale gums, cold extremities, and petechiae (pictured above or below the skin).

If you ignore these signs instead of taking your dog to the vet, it could be at risk of dying in just a few days.


why does my dogs skin turn black in the summer

Why Does My Dog’s Skin Turn Black In The Summer?

As the dog gets older, hyperpigmentation becomes more common. Small dogs with white or light coats can also become dark if exposed to many suns.

Any change in a dog’s molting cycle can cause a difference in skin color.

In addition, some dermatological and hormonal diseases also cause hyperpigmentation of the dog’s skin.

Therefore, regularly take your dog to the veterinarian for complete vaccination and treatment.

What Are The Black Marks On My Dogs Belly?

Hyperpigmentation causes the dog’s skin to become noticeably thicker but also causes dark spots all over the dog’s body.

This condition often leads to hair loss and skin discoloration (from light to dark).

While it’s just a body response to certain conditions, it can sometimes indicate that your dog has a skin and health issue.

Is It Normal For A Dog’s Belly To Change Colors?

In healthy and fully vaccinated puppies, discoloration is sometimes just the result of excessive sun exposure.

But if unusual dog behaviors and signs accompany it, it’s most likely a serious health problem.

It is best to take good care of your dog and get ready for an examination at the nearest veterinary facility.

Some Last Words 

So, why does my dogs belly turned black in the summer?

As analyzed above, it is sometimes just the result of playing in the sun, but it can also be a sign that your furry friend’s health and skin condition are in trouble.

It’s best to contact your veterinarian when you notice unusual hyperpigmentation areas under your dog’s abdomen to ensure your pet’s health.

Regularly taking your four-legged friend for health check-ups, being fully vaccinated, playing well, and staying away from sources of disease are the keys to keeping your dog healthy. Good luck!


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Hi I am Mitchell. Dog Growth is a blog about dog caring and training where I share my experiences to my community. Hope you enjoy it!

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