Coffee Ground Vomit In Dogs: How To Deal With This Issue?

Hunger or curiosity can turn your puppies on eating foreign objects surrounding them, even the human poops, so vomiting is common for any pet owner.

Coffee ground is an example.

Coffee ground vomit in dogs can be a simple case. Or else, it can sometimes be mistaken for bloody vomit due to the texture and vomit color.

Distinguishing these two cases can help you accurately diagnose and properly treat your pets.

Is Coffee Ground Vomit In Dogs Possible?

coffee ground vomit in dogs

A dog throwing up coffee grounds is a possible case. It could be either real coffee grounds, which is less severe, or bloody throw-ups – a source of concern.

You should assess your pooch’s situation to take action promptly.

Small coffee beans can easily be spilled off inaccessible zones like on the floors, around the kitchen, or near the garbage.

Coffee beans with unique scents and shapes can attract your pets’ curiosity.

Normally, accidentally eating coffee beans has little harmful health issues on dogs.

However, vomiting can still happen if your dogs have a sensitive digestive condition and suffer from caffeine toxicity later.

Caffeine Toxicity To Dogs

Popular drinking options named coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks, supplements, or chocolate often contain caffeine.

Pets, especially dogs and cats, are more sensitive to caffeine than humans.

Why is my dog throwing up brown liquid? In most cases, ingesting a sip of liquid-formed caffeine is unlikely to cause food poisoning in dogs.

However, consuming coffee grounds, coffee beans, and tea bags can result in severe toxicity. The abnormal symptoms can vary depending on the quantity consumed.

These symptoms can manifest themselves in mild or severe vomiting, diarrhea, high heart rates, increased body temperature, or restlessness.

Or in rare cases, seizures, collapse, and even fatality may occur.

When You See Coffee Ground Vomit In Dogs That Not From Actual Coffee Ground?

Why does my dog’s vomit look like coffee grounds? The first and foremost case that comes to mind is blood in vomit.

Vomit often appears as coffee ground-like substances accompanying the black tarry stools.

Your pet’s condition becomes more serious when bloody vomit is determined.

Internal bleeding from the digestive tract, stomach, respiratory tract, or blood-clotting disorder is one of the leading roots.

Vomiting blood may cause low blood pressure or heart valve regurgitation in dogs. You might have a deep medical treatment from a credible vet.

Signs That A Dog Has Vomited Blood

Signs That A Dog Has Vomited Blood

The most recognizable symptom is the appearance of blood in the dog’s vomit. Blood can appear as clots, fresh blood, or even digested blood (dark blood), misunderstood as coffee grounds.

Some other obvious expressions include loss of appetite, signs of dehydration, abdominal pain, and abnormal stools.

Therefore, observing the color, texture, and side symptoms is important to diagnose the condition.

In many other cases, dogs may vomit bloody muscles, exposing stomach or upper intestine disorders.

The illness of a period can reduce their appetite and cause tiredness in the body.

At that time, you can temporarily stop feeding until you receive advice from your vet.

Don’t forget to take a photo of the vomit and stool sample before cleaning, which can lend the vet a hand in a medical diagnosis.

Reasons A Dog Might Vomit Blood

Why is there specks of blood in my dog’s vomit?

Vomiting can be a common sign when a dog accidentally ingests unhealthy food or inedible foreign objects, creating an image for the dog to expel those things.

Hangovers, including bloody, red vomiting in dogs, can be caused by other serious underlying issues.

It would help if you considered different organ failures besides the internal bleeding in the digestive and respiratory systems.

  • Gastrointestinal tract infections
  • Intestinal parasites 
  • Severe constipation
  • Abdominal obstruction
  • Liver failure
  • Colitis
  • Ingested poison
  • Heat shock
  • Medical reaction
  • Cancer in dogs
  • Addition diseases in dogs
  • Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis
  • Paralytic disease
  • Disease caution
  • Necrotizing inflammation
  • Parvovirus
  • Gastritis
  • Twisted stomach
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Respiratory tract disorder

How To Deal With The Dogs’ Bloody Vomiting 

Can a dog recover from vomiting blood? Yes, but you should support and care for it.

In case you can not bring them for medical treatment right away, you can follow the first-aid instructions below:

  • Stop feeding your pets for 12-24 hours to keep track of their status. If your dog shows less abnormal or threatening signs, you can complement some warm porridge mixed with a little salt.
  • Stinky food like fish, meat, or dairy (milk) is not highly recommended.
  • Rehydrate your dog with Oresol when they simultaneously have blood, vomit, and black stools.

When To Have A Veterinarian 

The vomiting frequency is a typical sign of whether to have veterinary care.

If your dog vomits only once while eating normally, try adjusting the diet and providing a 24-hour rest at home.

Should your dog vomit black coffee grounds 2-3 times a day or last for more than a day, it’s time to call a vet. The vomit may be dark brown and contain unidentified substances.

Please quickly visit the emergency clinic before your pets fall into critical status (blood loss).

Determine whether the vomit resembles undigested food or liquid form. Please record what you observe for the vet in the diagnosis techniques.

How Will A Veterinarian Treat A Dog Who Is Vomiting Blood?

How Will A Veterinarian Treat A Dog Who Is Vomiting Blood

Several testing techniques will be conducted. The vet will check for mount cuts and colic, based on which they carry out blood tests and urine analysis.

X-rays or ultrasounds can be assigned to determine the cause and severity.

Medications such as antacids, anti-inflammatory drugs, parasitic drugs, or antibiotics may be packed into the therapy period.

Please note not to use any medication arbitrarily before being thoroughly administered.

Your dog may need surgery if the doctor detects foreign objects causing internal bleeding.

If it results from toxin ingestion, your vet can apply an antidote, offering supportive treatment for poison control.

Activated charcoal is ideal to prevent further absorption or remove toxins from the dog’s body.

You can take them home and treat them with prescribed medication. In other cases, they may need to stay in the emergency clinic for a particular time.

Back home, please keep the dogs’ living area clean and airy. A healthy and mild diet can foster recovery. Besides water and warm salty porridge, you can supplement vitamins.

Notably, vitamins for dogs should be selectively chosen as some types can be incompatible for the dogs’ health.

If your dog is well-cured, you can give them a snack 2-5 times daily.


Coffee ground vomit in dogs can be followed after dogs accidentally digest coffee beans and face caffeine poisoning.

Otherwise, your pets may have internal bleeding issues and vomit blood (brown vomit, black vomit), which can easily be mistaken for coffee grounds.

Vomiting is a common detox reaction in pets. The key is whether the pet owner can keep track of and handle it with proper treatment options.

Contact the medical emergency unit as soon as you detect the worst condition.


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Hi I am Mitchell. Dog Growth is a blog about dog caring and training where I share my experiences to my community. Hope you enjoy it!

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