Dogs have a unique way of capturing our hearts with their adorable antics, and one of the most enchanting sights is witnessing a dog blowing bubbles in water playfully.
Although uncommon to all canines, this intriguing behavior showcases their boundless curiosity and playful spirit.
It may leave dog owners and animal enthusiasts wondering about its origin and significance.
In this article, let’s embark on a delightful journey to explore why some dogs engage in this endearing activity and what drives their fascination with bubbles. Keep reading!
Is A Dog Blowing Bubbles In Water A Dangerous Symptom?

A dog blowing bubbles in a water dish or water bowl is generally not dangerous. It’s often playful and harmless behavior.
Many dogs enjoy playing when they touch the bowl and may blow bubbles due to curiosity and enthusiasm.
However, it’s essential to differentiate between normal, playful behavior and potential signs of distress or health issues.
Can bubbles affect dogs? If your dogs suddenly start blowing bubbles excessively, struggle to breathe, or show other signs of distress, it could be a cause for concern.
In such cases, assessing the situation and seeking veterinary attention promptly to rule out any underlying health problems is crucial.
Why Do Dogs Blow Bubbles In Water?

Why do dogs make bubbles in the bottom of the bowl? Your pet can do this for many reasons.
They include positive and negative causes, such as playfulness, preventing water from getting in their noses, curiosity, their instincts, cooling themselves, etc.
Scroll down for details!
Dogs blowing bubbles in water is how they show their playfulness. It naturally expresses their curiosity and excitement during water-based activities.
Blowing bubbles can be an enjoyable activity for dogs.
Creating bubbles and watching them float to the surface may provide mental stimulation and entertainment, especially for dogs with a playful disposition.
Prevent Water From Getting In Their Noses
Canines can control their breathing and prevent water from entering their airways while swimming or playing in water.
When dogs blow bubbles, they are exhaled forcefully through their nose or mouth while submerging their face.
This action creates a barrier of air in front of their nostrils. It will help to prevent water from entering their nasal passages.
It’s a natural reflex allowing dogs to protect their respiratory system and maintain a clear airway while enjoying this environment.
Dogs encountering new environments or experiences often show their curiosity through various behaviors.
Curiosity is an essential aspect of a dog’s intelligence and instinctual behavior.
It helps them learn about their surroundings, understand novel experiences, and adapt to new situations.
Blowing bubbles might be one of the ways they satisfy their curiosity and make sense of this different environment.
Natural instincts
Some dog breeds have been historically bred for water work, such as retrieving objects from water or assisting with fishing tasks.
Due to their innate instincts, these breeds may exhibit water-related behaviors, including blowing bubbles.
Water-retrieving breeds include Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, and Portuguese Water Dogs.
These breeds have been selectively bred for their swimming and water-retrieving abilities, making them well-adapted to aquatic environments.
Blowing bubbles might be a natural part of their interaction with water, allowing them to regulate their breathing and protect their airways while swimming or retrieving.
Mimicking Actions of Swimming
When a dog submerges its face or head in water and exhales through its nose or mouth, it can create bubbles similar to what happens during actual swimming.
This behavior might be a way for the dog to imitate or mimic the motions associated with swimming.
Additionally, if the dog enjoys water play or swimming activities, they might try to imitate the actions they see while engaging in these fun water-based experiences.
Trying to Cool Themselves Off
Why do dogs make bubbles? When your furry friend’s face is submerged in water, it may breathe out forcefully through its mouth or nose, creating bubbles.
This behavior can help them regulate their body temperature and cool down on a hot day. I usually wash my dog with cold water in summer to help him in this matter.
Pooches do not have sweat glands like humans, so they rely on panting and other mechanisms to cool themselves.
When a dog blows bubbles, the evaporating water on its face helps dissipate heat from its body. This is similar to how sweating helps humans cool down.
It’s one of the many ways dogs have adapted to cope with different environmental conditions.
Dog Dish is Not Ideal for Drinking
Dogs do not communicate in the same way humans do, and their behavior, including blowing bubbles in water, maybe a conscious response to the quality of their water dish (not clean water)
If a dog is dissatisfied with their water dish or has issues with drinking, they are more likely to show it through different behaviors. Apart from blowing bubbles, they include:
- Ignoring the water dish and not drinking from it at all.
- Pawing at or tipping over the water dish.
- Spilling water from the dish intentionally.
- Whining or barking to indicate their need for water.
- Seeking water from other sources, like toilets or sinks.
Having Low Comfort Level Or Pain
When your four-legged friend is in pain or discomfort, its behavior alters.
A dog may drink and eat less frequently than usual at times, and at other times, the exact opposite may occur.
There is also the possibility that they distract themselves from discomfort by doing unusual things like playing with their food and water, such as blowing bubbles in the water or wheezing when breathing.
However, it seems hard to conclude the disease. You should pay attention to other symptoms of your pet to get prompt treatment!
Get An Infection
Observe your dog to see if the bubbles appear when his nose is in the water or not.
Your pet could be infected, or something could stop him from breathing properly.
You should keep an eye on your dog for other signs of illness.
An infection in dogs would typically manifest through specific symptoms related to the affected area or system, depending on the type of infection.
Common signs of infections in dogs can include:
- High fever
- Lethargy
- Loss of appetite
- Vomiting or diarrhea
- Coughing or sneezing
- Redness, swelling, or discharge from affected body parts

In conclusion, the phenomenon of a dog blowing bubbles in water serves as a heartwarming reminder of the incredible bond we share with our canine companions.
Dogs bring joy and wonder into our lives through their playful and curious nature, mesmerizing us with their charming and sometimes quirky behaviors.
However, it’s crucial to remain attentive to our pets’ well-being, ensuring these water interactions remain safe and free from potential harm.