Dogs Ear Makes Squishy Sound: Reasons & Solutions

Have you ever noticed that your dog’s ear makes a squishy sound when you touch it? You might wonder what causes this sound and whether it is a sign of a problem.

In this article, I will explain the possible reasons your dogs ear makes squishy sound, how to check your dog’s ear health, and what to do if you suspect an infection or injury.

Learn more about crackling noises in your dogs’ ears and get good topical medications.

Your Dogs Ear Makes Squishy Sound – Why?

dogs ear makes squishy sound

When your dog is always shaking his head with some clicking sound in his ear, he can be damaged by foreign objects, fluid, or ear mites, leading to ear infections.

You must find the cause of this phenomenon and adopt the best ear cleaning solution to improve your dogs’ health significantly. 

Fluid in the External Ear Canal

My dog’s ear sounds like it has water in it. What happened? The most likely culprit is fluid in the external ear canal, which can indicate infection, inflammation, or injury.

Fluid in the ear canal can trap air bubbles and sound like water sloshing around when your dog moves its head.

Your dog can also get uncomfortable and irritated feelings, affecting its hearing and balance.

Ear Mites

Why does my dog ear make a squishy sound?

Ear mites are tiny parasites that can infest your dog’s ears and cause itching, chronic infections, and dark discharge.

But did you know that they can also make a squishy sound in your dog’s ears? 

That’s because ear mites feed on the wax and debris in the ear canal, creating a sticky substance that can trap air bubbles.

When your dog shakes his head or scratches his ears, the air bubbles pop, and the dog’s ear sounds squishy.

This sound indicates that your pooch needs treatment for ear mites as soon as possible.


Why do my dogs ears sound squishy?

Food allergy, extreme acid environment, and allergic disease due to other factors can put your dog in mixed infections.

This can trigger loud noises in his ear during a certain time. You should prepare some allergy testing approaches to detect the kind of allergy, such as:

  • Food allergy: Some dogs may be allergic to certain ingredients in their food, such as chicken, beef, dairy, wheat, or soy.
  • Environmental allergies: Some canines may be allergic to pollen, dust, mold, or other substances in the air or ground.

Ear Infections

A dog ear squishy sound usually stems from an ear infection, which can be a fungal infection. Ear infections are common in dogs, especially those with floppy ears.

They can entail symptoms such as autoimmune disease, unpleasant odor, and bloody discharge.

External ear infections are the most common expression in your dogs. This can be explained because your dog lives in a moist environment.

Therefore, I always restrict atmospheric pressure as much as possible for the sake of  my pooch.

Symptoms Of Dog Ear Infection

why do my dogs ears sound squishy

There are different symptoms to detect ear infections in dogs.

If you monitor them when having weekly cleanings for your dogs, please note all relevant signs to receive immediate treatment recommendations.

Remember that you can only help your dog feel more comfortable if you get the type of infection correctly.

Scratching Or Pawing At The Ear

Your dog may have an ear infection if they keep pawing, scratching at their ear, or feel itchy at night.

This could mean their ear is hurting or itching because of the disease. If you don’t treat the infection soon, it may worsen and leave more discomfort to your pet.

Sometimes, your canine may have a normal itch in their ear and paw or scratch at it for a while.

But if the pawing or scratching lasts over a few days, it likely has an ear infection, not just an itch.

Head Tilt And Shaking

The earliest sign of chronic ear infections is head tilt. Your dog may tilt his head to one side to ease the pressure in his infected ear.

He may also shake his head frequently to try to dislodge the infection.

If you notice these symptoms, don’t ignore them. Ear infections can get worse if left untreated. They can also spread to other ear parts, causing more damage.

Loss Of Balance

Your dog’s ears are not just for hearing. They are also essential for keeping him steady on his feet.

When his ears get infected, he may lose his sense of balance and start to wobble when he walks.

He may trip more often and struggle with stairs. My puppy usually lays down when walking due to this. Don’t let your dog suffer from a painful and debilitating ear infection.

Strong Odor From The Ear

If your dog has a moderate-to-severe ear infection, you may notice a foul odor coming from the ear. This is a surface problem and a sign of a deeper issue.

The smell is caused by bacteria that have multiplied inside your dog’s ear, worsening the infection over time. You don’t need to sniff hard to catch this smell; it will be obvious.

Swelling And Redness Of The Ear

Your dog’s ear will get red and swollen as the ear infection worsens from mild to moderate.

You may see this on the outside or only inside their ear. It would help if you treated your dog right away for this condition.

Treatment For Ear Infections In Dogs

What to do when my dogs ear sounds squishy? Don’t wait to take action if your dog shows signs of infection.

These painful conditions won’t heal by themselves and need proper treatment from your veterinarian.

Pashaian-Grant, an expert in dog ear health, explains that your veterinarian will examine the ear discharge under a microscope to identify the cause of the infection, whether it’s mites, yeast, or bacteria. 

Then, they will prescribe an accurate diagnosis and good advice on ear cleaning for your dog’s condition.

Depending on the severity of the infection, your dog may need topical or oral medications to clear it up.

Don’t let your dog suffer any longer – see your veterinarian today and get them the relief they need.

How To Prevent Your Dog From Getting An Ear Infection

my dogs ear sounds like it has water in it

To avoid ear infections, you should keep your dog’s ears dry. Wet ears attract germs that cause infections.

Use a towel to dry your dog’s ears well to prevent the dog ear wet sound.

For dogs with frequent ear problems, it would be best to use special earplugs to keep water out during baths or swims.

Unless your dog has dirty, smelly, or infection-prone ears, you don’t need to clean them more than once every month or two.

If your pup has ear problems, you can do it more often.


Can Dog Ear Infections Go Away On Their Own?

No. Dog ear infections are common and painful conditions that can affect any breed.

Without proper treatment and antifungal medications, they can lead to serious complications.

What Happens If You Don’t Care For A Dog’s Ear Infection?

If you ignore your dog’s ear infection, you risk serious active infections. They can spread to the brain, cause deafness, or damage the ear canal.

Don’t let your dog suffer. Keep aggressive treatments as soon as possible.

Why Does My Dog’s Ear Make a Crackling Noise?

Your dog’s ear may crackle due to fluid buildup, infection, or wax accumulation. These conditions can cause discomfort and hearing loss.

Consult your vet for diagnosis and treatment options.


Dogs ear makes squishy sound because of different reasons. This is not a sign of infection or disease but a normal phenomenon that happens when they move their heads.

However, if the sound is accompanied by other symptoms, such as redness, swelling, or discharge, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.

Dogs’ ears are sensitive and important organs that deserve our attention and care.


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Hi I am Mitchell. Dog Growth is a blog about dog caring and training where I share my experiences to my community. Hope you enjoy it!

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